Since Feb 28, 2001

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"altruism vs. self-interest." Why again is my welfare their concern? My state of being is dictated by my choices. I recognize my actions have consequences. When I'm down, I have the responisibility for getting up. If I can't get up, my family will lift me. When my family can't help me, my friends will. If my friends are unable, the only thing I would want from the state is a free country to lay upon when I die.

Politically, I'm a Big "C".

My dad is my hero, next is Ronald Reagan.

I am an immigrant.

I have served my country, the United States of America.

Constitutionally gauranteed freedoms along with capitalistic and transparent freemarkets will always produce bigger and better things.

My favorite quote is:

A little learning is a dangerous thing, Drink deeply or taste not the Pierian Spring; Their shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.

-Alexander Pope, also my favorite essayist.

Arrogant liberals should take Pope to heart and gain some humility every once in a while.