Since Dec 17, 1999

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I hate Clinton and his gang of thugs for what they have done to my country. Home school my kids. Waiting impatiently for the jackboot thugs to visit. Daughter of a Marine, mother of FIVE, married to a wonderful handsome hunk of conservative male. Claims to fame (har har de har.) 1: Threatened arrest by the Census bureau, because I refused to give them Unconstitutional answers- stood my ground and had 'em fired! They even called to apologize for the treatment I received! 2: Received the great honor of introducing Ambassador Alan Keyes at the rally in Virginia- televised Nationally by C-Span.3: Did I say mother of 5?

Well! I was going to post a picture but hey, my web host actually wants me to pay to do it, so fugetaboutit! How about a beautiful poem instead? I love this one.

The Girl I Used To Be

She came tonight as I sat alone: the girl I used to be. She gazed at me with earnest eye, and asked reproachfully:

"Have you forgotten all the plans and hopes I had for you? The great career, the splendid fame, and wondrous things to do?
"Where is the mansion of stately height? With all it's gardens rare? The silken robes I dreamed for you? The jewels about your hair?"

As she spoke, I was very sad, I wanted her pleased with me.....this slender girl of my shadowy past, the girl I used to be.

Gently rising I took her hand, guided her up the stairs....Where peacefully sleeping my babies lay, innocent, sweet and fair.

I told her "these are my only gems. And precious they are to me. My 'silken robes' are my motherhood, of 'costly' simplicity."
"My 'mansion of stately height' is love and the chosen career I know. It's serving each day, in these sheltered walls for the dear ones who come and go."

And as I spoke to my shadowy guest, she smiled through tears at me.
I saw the woman that I am, pleased the girl I used to be....
Author Unknown