Since Aug 6, 2004

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I am a strong conservative, Republican. I support our Military, love my country, my current President and my God. I believe in marrage between a man and a woman. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms, and I also believe I should not pay taxes for the free healthcare of illegal alieng. We must stop them from crossing our borders, robbing our citizens, and trashing our desert. It is OURS, not theirs. Middle Easterners are dressing up and blending with the Illegals and they ARE crossing our borders. I've seen two of them pretending to be what they are not to date. My grandchildren will be homeschooled, taught American history correctly, and will learn what "Under God" means. They will as homeschooled children be able to say the Pledge of Allegience without fear of getting kicked out of school by Liberal politically correct policies. I am not, nor will I ever be politically correct. I am not a "victim." If political correctness is continued it will be the downfall of America.

Please read the new book coming out next week that tells the truth about John Kerry called Unfit For Command.

I fly my flag proudly and will until the day I die.

God Bless America, God Bless President Bush, and God Bless our Military. God help us if Bush does not get re-elected...


"Only a liberal would hug a tree and kill a fetus"