Since May 4, 1999

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My name is Steve, i have a website in the works, and I know I am not always right. Just thought I needed to clarify that...

About the flags: VA, Israel, Argentina, and US, resp. All have meaning to an Argentine Jew who is an American citizen and who lived in Virginia the longest he's lived in any one place.

About my status in FR: i do not consider myself a freeper, been here since i don't know how long (this is my second id), but I think that the devotion and level of freeping needed to become an official "freeper" should include attending events and very frequent posting. Such a pattern of behavior i failed to attain. I still love this site, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Not just determined conservatives.

Actually, i am not truly "conservative" politically speaking (I am personally very conservative), but instead think of myself as libertarian--except on the issue of prohibiting abortion, which to me having a right to life is a civil right not yet addressed. I am upset about the constant censorship here, part of the reason that i didn't post for half a year (not that anyone noticed), but, i understand and respect the rights of FreeRepublic to censor. Many links here are some pages that were deliberately wiped out... but they live on in my memories...
:: sniff ::