Squire Eaton
Since Jul 11, 2004

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I live at the foot of Hale's Hill in Brooklin, Maine. I own my greatgrandfathers property which my family has occupied continuously since about 1850 passing it on from one generation to the next. I have chosen Squire Eaton as a title I feel I have earned since I have retired to this little fiefdom of a farm(?) and also because I was a Senior Chief in the United States Navy retiring after twenty years which would be about equal to a Squire; a Kights Man was the usual definition of a squire. I am now enjoying my retirement years in the comfort of my home and friends and family here in Brooklin. The world is invited to stop in at any time and the coffee pot is always on. Cocktail hour is from 6:00 pm until 7:pm for those who chose to imbibe and can hold their liquor. Remember I do hold a continuous yardsale so it is better to be able to hold your liquor if you intend to dickor.I was going to add a picture but I can not figure out how to do it!

Squire Eaton