sola fide gratia scriptura
Since Dec 7, 2004

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As far as political affiliation goes, I am independent. My goal is to view both sides without bias to arrive to an objective: truth.

If it's not obvious from my screename (sola fide, sola gratia, sola scriptura), I am a Christian of the Reformed variety ;). If you want to get particular, I am a member of an independent-yet-part-of-the-SBC church. I am a Calvinist (but unsure of how many points, I just haven't looked into what constitutes a 3-point, etc).

I am a nineteen year old college student that is wholly female. I am aiming to become a graphic artist that leans towards webdesign, primarily for bands and other creative groups (I can do business, but it's just a little more stifling on my creativity). I lead and organize my own design company/firm/group and have over 7 years of experience in webdesign (if you do the math, I've been doing this since I was 12).

I have a range of talents and interests: art (drawing, painting, design, etc), music (singing, songwriting, guitar and various forms of rock), writing (essays, stories, novellas, poetry, articles, reading), and people (socializing with, learning about, examining, pyschology, sociology, social pyschology).

Wow, this entry is borderline pride. I guess it should be noted that I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Take my music for example: the songs are good, but the guitar playing is horrible (which is why I'm having my super-talented boyfriend play for me on my recordings and hopefully for shows, if I ever do them).

That's all for now, I guess. I'd like to remain anonymous for the sake of being anonymous at this point in time. If you want to contact me for whatever reason, send a PM. If you want to see any of my artwork, hear any of my music or are interested in my services as a webdesigner don't hesitate to ask, chances are I will show you.