Since Jan 22, 2006

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Hello, all. The very first time I went to an event as a proud Republican was in 1998 (I think) in DC. It was a Freeper event and Alan keyes was the key note speaker. Until Clinton, I had voted Democrat as often as Republican. Now, I have seen the light! I am a proud right winger and have been lurching at Free Repubic for years. I went to SMU with Laura Bush (we were friends) and I am huge W and Laura fan. I'm crazy about Cheney and sleep better, knowing he's there. We rescue horses. We're a military family. We live in rural NC. I teach preschool, own a pet care service, and a small web design company. I did a web site 4 days after 9/11. It's called "Changed Forever" and you may visit it at; ( I sell nothing there....just thought you might enjoy visiting it since they won't let us see any 9/11 images anymore. We have 3 grown kids and 8 grandkids. My husband is also a huge fan of Free Republic and we live for the people's comments, especailly since we're surrounded by flaming liberals (we live near UNC-Chapel Hill). Thanks for your time. I'm pretty shy and don't know all the rules, yet, so I may never post. But, I like the idea that I can. I feel "right" at home here...(pardon my pun). God bless. Trish