Since Jan 24, 2005

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Kimberly Fletcher is the President and Founder of Homemakers for America, a national membership based, non-profit corporation.

Homemakers for America Inc. has been formed by women, for women in an effort to convince educators, media and our local and national leaders of the importance of returning to our traditional values that support God, Freedom and Family.

Kimberly established Homemakers for America (HFA) to inform and educate women throughout America on the issues that affect their lives; and offer them outlets, guidance and opportunities to take a proactive role in their families, communities and our Nation. HFA teaches women how to be productive in their efforts to positively affect the course our nation is taking.

HFA would like to see our Freedoms protected, the family preserved, and God remain a part of our society. HFA invites all women who share these concerns to join HFA.

For the past four decades the National Organization for Women has presented themselves as the singular voice for women in America. Homemakers for America Inc. would like to propose that no longer be the case.

HFA is not a political organization, nor does HFA affiliate or endorse any particular party, religion or candidate.