Since Jun 14, 2009

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I was, a VERY short time ago, a liberal, leftist pagan. I have come, by the sheer power of God, (’cuz I sure can’t figure out any other reason why! - I wasn’t “searching” or anything), to become reborn and baptized a new child in God. I was once very active in the Pro-Life movement, back in the Reagan era, but my changed leftist paganism lead me to say, “Oh it’s a woman’s choice, who am I to decide?”. (Although late term abortions NEVER sat well with me AT ALL!) Well, it may not be for me to decide, I’ll leave such weighty matters up to a God that knows WAAAY more then I do, but Dr. Tiller’s death was a wake up call for me. When I found myself having a very serious discussion with my husband, (not an “argument” per se, maybe more a “striving of minds” if you will), for the very righteousness of this butcher’s death, I sat back and took another look at where I stood and what I felt was right.

I’m working out my shift from a paradigm that wasn’t working any more, knowing what I’m being told isn’t always what’s true, but I’m still to new at discerning what’s wrong/incorrect and what’s right/correct. There’s a lot “my sources” haven’t been telling me, but yet, I’m not so sure the conservative side has been entirely straight with us, either. Everyone seems to have their own agenda. I was rooked into voting for someone who changed his stripes faster than the White House staff could change the sheets! That’s embarrassing to admit, but there it is. So. I’m searching for that winding path that leads to the truth, that is, the truth as far as any of us can ever tell what that is anymore. Well, here I am. Hi!