Since Feb 7, 2008

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I’ve done a bit of lurking in here, especially on the daily Rush Limbaugh threads. I’m a 24/7 subscriber and reading the Freeper comments is always an interesting addition to the show. With my limited time, I felt I would not need to subscribe to fully enjoy FR - someone always seems to say what I would have said anyway.

But, after today, I changed my mind. I wrote the statements below in preparation of joining, now it seems kind of lame after Mitt Romney’s announcement.

Now I’d like to begin by offering you all a few of my thoughts - an internet handshake of sorts:

The first President I ever voted for was Ronald Reagan - I did not know I was a conservative before then, I just remember disliking Carter and feeling very grown up (and empowered) in the voting booth. The real conservatism came later.

I learned something during my dating years that, with minor changes, is applicable to various social situations. If a person expresses great, personal admiration for the late John Lennon, Run! do not walk, to the nearest exit. And when you get there, do not just contemplate the exit; Take it.

Understanding the enemy does not mean you should embrace the enemy; someone should tell Hollywood.

A thin slice of prime rib on top of a chocolate chip cookie is pretty good.

I chose Shortcake as my screen name because it is the nickname my husband gave me. (I’m short and sweet, LOL!)