Since Nov 22, 2003

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My name is Seasaidh (pronounced "Shessie") and I'm a Viking Kitty who has battled many wars. There've been many things I've conquered. In fact just recently I frightened away the evil liberal MassPIG, oops I mean MassPIRG solicitor who came to our house! I also conquered diabetes, an ocular tumor that was threatening to turn cancerous, and FIV. I may be an old tomcat, but I'm in great health and ready to fight for our beloved country. If only the military would take Viking Kitties!

Oh, I should probably add that my mom, who is using *my* name for her username, is a lifelong Republican and the daughter of FReeper hershey. Both of them have been trying to oust JF'nK and the Swimmer from the Senate with no luck. Massachusetts is getting worse everyday and my mom says she's not sure how much more she can take. A state law was just passed requiring every citizen (does that include ILLEGALS?) to have health insurance! My mom unfortunately does not have health insurance and is furious over this new law. Yes, she does want insurance, but on her terms. Whenever she's gone to the doctor she's paid for her health care out of her own pocket, btw. My mom works but she can't afford the insurance her workplace offers. She was counting on eventually becoming a "regular" employee there and getting a better deal on the health insurance. Now she doesn't know what she'll do. Thank you all you stinkin' illegals for ruining it for us legal citizens. We really have to move outta this state!

Saint Benedict Abbey