Since Sep 13, 2005

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I am a student at the University of South Carolina, A graduate of Irmo High School and a conservative activist. I have lived all but one of my years in Irmo, SC.
My field of study is Journalism and Mass Communications and I have experience in TV and Radio.
I am a veteran of political campaigns. Since 1996, when he first ran for office, I have worked for Andre Bauer's campaigns. He is the current Lt. Governor of South Carolina.
I also worked with the campaign of George W. Bush in the 2000 Republican primary and Jim DeMint for Senate in 2004.
More recently, I have been involved in School District Five of Lexington and Richland counties. For years, our conservative area kept electing liberal school board trustees that followed the path of the liberal superintendent. Until 2002, the liberals held a 5-2 majority. Now the conservatives hold a 5-2 majority, and after giving the superintendent a chance to prove himself, fired him in June.
Most noticeably, I held an important position in the campaign of Jerry Fowler, who was elected overwhelmingly in 2004 with two other conservatives. Two liberals were knocked out of office and the conservative incumbent was re-elected.
Now, I am working very hard on the re-election of Lt. Governor Andre Bauer.