Since Feb 19, 2001

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Hello. Thanks for clicking to read all about me. Hope I sound as interesting as I believe I am:).

I am a firm believer in stay-at-home mothering . I have 2 of the most beautiful boys ...Brady age 5 1/2 and Ryan age 3.

I believe in eating dinner together as a family nightly is a must and not an option. I believe in family time and family vacations. I believe in honor, manners, discipline, honesty, and love. It's what makes a family whole and a house a home. I believe children are to be seen AND heard.

I am a defender of the Constitution of the great Republic I live in. I pledge allegiance to my flag with respect and awe. I believe in local control and a small federal goverment. I think socialists should move to France if they don't like it here.

I have little patience for liberals. I am outspoken, educated, and opinionated. I feel no need to ever apologize for being such. I believe in tact in a debate but a well-thought out argument. Such is why I have such little patience for liberals.

We live in the People's Republic of Maryland. We will be moving soon. You should have no need to ask why.

We have a beautiful home ( property taxed through the bazoogas), a faithful dog named Ripken, and peace in our lives and souls.

I have great hopes and dreams for the Republic I live in. I am will work and fight to stand up for what I believe in until my last dying breath.

Thanks for reading.