Ruthless Princess
Since Jul 5, 2009

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The providence and power of God. God was protecting his people even in their captivity and was working al things together for their good. God’s power is seen in the overthrow of Israel’s enemies. It is important to note that God used human beings to accomplish his purpose here, rather than doing it directly himself. We must be ready at all times to do God’s will when he so directs.

Apparently you’ve thought and reasoned this out. If your conscience is clear then of course you can only go forward with your plans.

But for me, I remember that scripture that says vengeance is mine I shall repay says the Lord.

If those who stand for morality is actually working from a moral base the arrows will come but they won’t be able to succeed in their mission. We have forgotten the main thing and that would be to continuously teach and reteach what America was built on. We had given America’s soul to those who didn’t protect it. In the name of diversity we gave up the ability to communicate with one voice of English only. In the name of religious diversity we gave up our freedom to worship and pray, to the God that blessed America from sea to shining sea, in public places.

The generation before us believed the lie that people of faith had no place in politics which in turn left those with no morality to make rules for us to live by.

This is a different level of evil that stands guard against anything that would penetrate it’s wickedness. It guards those now in place that do it’s bidding.

The war cry now is that if My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from Heaven and will heal their land. Does this mean we pray only? No way! We set about keeping our own hands clean and standing with integrity and working with pure motives on what’s best for America and the world.

Maybe Sara was the catalyst or answer to the many prayers that have gone forward, if so I pray for her strength to make the best decisions. Which she has already by putting Alaska’s citizens first and not her power struggles.

Just remember whatever weapon you fashion it can turn and be your downfall. That’s the one element that Sarah’s enemies don’t take into account of