Since May 6, 2005

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Australian. Female. My defining quirk is that I like heavy music, esp. from Finland or Sweden, and esp. if it features Vikings, dragons, or trolls (or all three!)

Just joined because, after a long time of reading posts, I decided that I wanted to be able to ask the posters questions. Chances are that you're looking at this page because just I asked you an impertinent question. Don't be offended -- I just want to know what you're thinking. Truly. That's the whole reason that I got an account.

... I think that's all I'll divulge for now. Here's some verse instead:

Pure in heart, like uncut jade,
[the sage] cleared the muddy water
by leaving it alone.

Beautiful, huh? Well I think so.

If you're bored, might I suggest the Exploding Dog cartoons? Sam has the rare gift of conveying an idea in a parsimonious way. It is my opinion that he's a genius. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.