Round Grandma
Since Jan 20, 2003

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Because of Randall Flagg, a man I'm privileged to call my SON, I AM a Grandma. When my Daughter-in-Law told me of his activities during an IM session, one day, I wasn't a bit surprised, knowing he's always been a man who stands up to be counted for what he believes in. Not ever having been a man who comes by any breaks in life easily, he EARNED the title VETERAN and is a man who holds my highest respect, as an American, father, and a human being. My Grandson, Thumper, as I call him, is cherished and his soon-to-be-born brother, will also soon know what a WONDERFUL FATHER he's to know. My history includes 19 years as a federal employee, 14 years as the wife of RF's father, a Vietnam Veteran, mother of RF's elder brother and privileged to be the sister of a Colorado ANG retired Chief Master Sgt. who volunteered for duty in Vietnam after the capture of the USS Pueblo, as well as sister-in-law to a retired USAF Master Sgt.--SAC--(B-52 Gunner serving during the Vietnam War). So, you see, I have a personal interest in how and WHY we enjoy the freedoms we do. Thank you for allowing me to join your forum.