Since Mar 23, 2001

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Thomas Jefferson... he was the man, the man with a plan. His plan has worked for the most part, even with liberals defiling his memory and certain "conservatives" (who claim to worship the guy) disregarding his most basic beliefs. I believe that the government has no place legislating behavior unless it is injurous in any way to another's well being, property rights, or liberties. I believe working people should keep the money they work for UNLESS they choose to give it away. When you tax productivity, productivity goes down the tubes! I believe most government agencies (FCC, DEA, NEA, IRS) should be completely eliminated, giving the government back to the PEOPLE and not to appointed loonies! I believe that there is NO right to "not be offended", but there IS a right to offend that person back. Fight fire with fire. That's what I try to do.