Since Sep 28, 2004

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Rex Curry is a lawyer in Florida, a sixth-generation Floridian, and a life-long resident. He also has a degree in journalism and has been published worldwide. He is a historian and noted anarcheologist whose predecessors helped settle Key West back when Florida’s government was virtually non-existent. The Curry Mansion (home of Florida’s first capitalist millionaire) is still on the local tour. Rex is a familiar voice of freedom for millions. Rex is a distinguished political scientist, political analyst, consultant, author, activist and lecturer and operates a world-renowned think tank and pressure group to promote liberty.

Http:// is the only site on the internet that collects and exposes historic photographs of the original Pledge of Allegiance and its straight-arm salute. Rex writes extensively about the frightening history of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Rex made the news-breaking discovery that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Rex debunked the myth that the straight-arm salute was an old Roman salute.

Rex was the first person to ever burn his social security card in an organized public protest to end socialist slave numbers.

He enjoys writing about the Libertarian philosophy, graphic arts and rexisms like these: “

My Socialist Slave number is 262-00-6302.” “

The Socialist Trio of Atrocities” (referring to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 62 million killed; the People’s Republic of China, 35 million killed; and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 21 million killed). “

The military socialist complex.” “

The sick socialist swastika” “

The socialist ‘Wholecaust’” “

Stop antidisestablishmentarianism.” “

Price gouging is good.” “

The separation of school and state is as important as the separation of church and state.” “

Never say ‘public schools.’ Always say ‘government schools.’” “

Socialism is an environmental disaster.” “

The Malthusian theory arises only in socialism” “

Support growth management, manage the growth of government.”