Republican Abroad
Since Sep 14, 2004

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September 14, 04 A new Republican Abroad

For quite some time now I have been a fence sitter as to if I were a Democrat or a Republican. I, in younger days was once a true blue Democrat; however as age and maturity caught up with me I started to find myself waffling on the issues dear to my heart.

I wish that I had a Dennis Miller epiphany after 9-11 and could have crossed the street years ago. Alas, I did not.

This election campaign has caused me to look more clearly at the issues and I am now happy and proud to say that I have crossed the street to cast my vote as a new Republican .

What really brought me to my senses these past few months was the great wanna be John F Kerry. Of course, the Swift Boat Vet got my interested even more and caused me to dig deeper into the mind, actions, mindless and inactions of JFK the second coming.

Having said that, kudos’ must really go to Dan Rather for causing me to take action. It is obvious to anyone with any expertise in Word, Word Perfect and yes, even Word Star (that’s an old one) that these documents were an outright forgery.

It was Dan R & John K that made me realize that CBS is really a 527 and in bed with John and his minions.

It was John K, Terry M & Dan R that made me realize that my vote is too important to waste on such an ineffective man.

It was John K, Terry M, Dan R & George W that made me realize that I am now a Republican from this day forward.

It was John K, Terry M, Dan R & George W that made me realize that I am NOT a Democrat from this day forward.

A new Republican Abroad (from CO on assignment in Canada)