Since May 15, 2006

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I am married with a daughter. I got involved with free republic through a friend of mine who visits this site on a daily basis. I am neither democrat or republican, but if I had to choose I'd say I lean more towards the right. I am not a firm believer in any one religion. I strongly believe in being a good person everyday and think that is far more important than going to church every Sunday or believing every single thing written in any one bible or holy book. Although that crazy Fred Phelps and WBCult will tell ya we are all going to Hell anyway so I guess it doesn't much matter. That clan needs to be shipped off to another country as far as I'm concerned cuz they are NUTS!!! My husband and I believe in raising our daughter to have strong values in herself and treating others with respect and respecting herself. We also feel that if you want to come into this country you should have to do it the same way all of our ancestors did, through Ellis Island..... the LEGAL way!!!!!! We support our troops across seas 110%, and appreciate thier courage and dedication to keep our country and children safe. I feel the need to add at this point that John Kerry is a complete A$$ who has disrespected our troops, their family, and our country.