Since Sep 7, 2000

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Native of North Dakota, female, married (happily) retired nurse, 5 children, 5 grandchildren. Oldest daughter married to a minister, is a pharmacist but stays home to homeschool her 2 daughters. 2nd daughter a nurse, married with 2 children, one of whom is autistic. 3rd daughter also a pharmacist, married with 1 child, 4th daughter a senior at a local Lutheran High School, a son is an accountant. My oldest daughter and her husband actually voted twice for Clinton (barf) but now all for Bush. Oldest grandaughter who is homeschooled said she "would die" if Gore was President. My 18 year old daughter enrolled in Close-up course at school, traveled to Washington, DC this November; loves Bush and has some hilarious stories about the passions between pubs and libs in her class. Son can't stand Gore, other kids are apolitical (too busy with their own lives) Our whole family is very musical - my 18 year old plans on pursuing a career in performance. Youngest daughter just graduated from a Lutheran College, majored in Nursing, not music, although had a music scholarship throughout college. I'm obsessed with gardening.