Since Aug 27, 2009

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I’m Jim, a traditional Roman Catholic, a Confederate patriot, and a staunch Conservative Independent. I stand up for what I believe in, I recognise that a “racist” is simply someone who disagrees with Al Charlatan and Jesse Jackass, and I don’t give a single remote damn about what some greenie in a hybrid car says about my lifestyle. I voted for McCain, dip tobacco, wear too much cologne, and earn an honest living. I recognise that Leon Trotsky’s statement “if you have an epithet, why think” is just as applicable to Obummer’s supporters today as it was in the USSR of the 1920s. I think Ann Coulter is hot, and Shrillary Rotten Clintoon is uglier than the southern end of a northbound horse, if you catch my drift. Lastly, if you have a problem with me, email it to biteme@kissmyrebelass.foad and leave me out of it.