Since Oct 1, 2004

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Am interested in conservative causes (examples): pro-life, second amendment, judicial restraint, self-discipline coupled with self-reliance.

Born, baptized, raised Roman Catholic. Prefer the intellectual engagement of the Latin Mass over the vernacular Mass.

Appreciate W's way with words. He reminds me of Yogi Berra, another lovable mutt.

Am alarmed at Democrats, and liberals in general, who seem to see no value in using facts to build a bridge to truth. Completely reject moral relativism. Consider "evolution as the causal agent for life" to be shallow and thin; much too simplistic to explain the complex reality of life. I reject global warming as it is currently being pimped; the earth has much history of cyclical warming/cooling trends.

Have spend an inordinate amount of time deconstructing the shallow self-centered philosophy of deep ecology.

Am essentially a 'distributivist' in economic things: smaller is better. For reference, read P.J. O'Rourke's "All the Trouble in the World", and keep in mind Jefferson's adage that he would prefer to see 50 men each farming their own 100 acres than he would 1 landlord who owns 5000 acres but utilizes 50 share-croppers.

'Nuff said.