Since Aug 1, 2005

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Hi .... I'm 5 years old and I love America.
I may be a newbie, but in addition to Support the Troops Rallies, I also attended the Inaugural Ball in DC.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

I've been supporting our troops for more than a year.

I may grow up to be an artist.
Wanna sneak preview?

I hope you recognize SpongeBob.

The Zoo

Hey this is a funny dog, Marissa told Amy.
Hey it doesn’t wag its tail, I think its broke, you see?
Hey it’s got some funny eyes, but can I take it home?
I’ll feed it and I’ll pet it, and brush it with my comb.
I’ll keep it in my bedroom, and it can share my bed.
I’ll walk it when it needs to, I’d like to name it Fred.
Please, I want it for my own, of it I’ll take good care.
Please, it is the cutest dog, I want to cut his hair.
Please, Dearest Gramma Amy, I’ll let you pet him too.
Fred is sure a special dog, but not as sweet as you.

Conspiracy Guy 4/26/04
aka DIF © 2004

Happy Birthday, Marissa!

A most Happy Birthday, Marissa!
You have waited for it to arrive,
You’ve had so much fun being four years old,
And now you will get to be five!

There’s something that I have to tell you,
I don’t think you’ll like it so hot.
I know that you think this is your special day,
But it’s one someone else sure has got!

You’ll hear people talk of Pearl Harbor,
And of how this is Her special day,
Then they’ll talk about real nasty things,
That happened an ocean away.

Be careful when having a party,
Even if you have planned it all day,
There are people who come when they shouldn’t,
And have terrible games that they play.

And for those who don’t play well with others,
Or who must misbehave in some way,
They should never again go to parties,
And should stay in their corner all day.

NicknamedBob . . . . .December 7, 2004
© 2004