Since Sep 24, 2011

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I am extreamly concerned about what has happened at the main stream press ,
i.e. the major news networks like ABC , NBC , CBS , CNN and of course PBS .
Once upon a time the main stream press at least attemted to give the impression that they came to a story and reported it without slanting one way or another . The “ Touch Stone “ of the press in this country is always “ Fair
and Balanced “ which dissapeared the year before during and after the 2008 election . Never in my entire life ( with the exception of little jimmy carter )
Have I seen such a pack of one sided and unethical journalists . The networks
coverage and OBVIOUS infatuation with Obama all but bordered on “ SEXUAL “ in the manner in which they covered Obama . How can we have a Democracy in America
when Conciously , unconciously and subliminally we end up voting for the the Golden Boy of the press. In 1976 it was carter and in 2008 it was Barry Obama .
I’m all for freedom of the press but I absolutely refuse to have a canidate for any office being SLAMMED DOWN MY THROAT . The Average American I.Q. is allegedly 100 . John F. Kennedy’s I.Q. was purported to be 107 , Technically above average . What concerns me is that Most Americans don’t know or care enough about Politics and merely end up voting for the name they here most about . Scared