Since Aug 5, 2003

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Female, Navy wife, Catholic. A liberal conservative. Pro-choice (I would likely not have an abortion, but it is not my place to tell another woman what to do - I am not in her situation.It's called choice for a reason.). Lifetime NRA member. (Trained in marksmanship and will not hesitate to defend my home and family with WHATEVER weapon I have at hand, including that hand.) I may not agree with a person's political or religious opinions, but the unlucky person who tries to enlist my aid in shutting that person up is in for a rude shock.

At the moment, I am resentful that my party has been hijacked by a pack of far-right conservative religious hypocrites who wouldn't know the teachings of Christ if they jumped up and bit them. I resent a deserter living in the White House.

I resent those who would turn this country, founded upon the ideals of freedom, into a theocracy of the Fundamentalist Christian variety. I detest people guilty of bigotry for any reason - racial, religious, political, sexual, or gender. I do not suffer fools gladly, nor arseholes. While I fully support the 1st Amendment, I do not believe that freedom of speech and expression is also freedom from responsibility.

I believe a person's faith is a personal and private thing, and that those who dare to declare that they have The One True Answer To It All are guilty of the sin of Pride.

I am basically a decent person, strongly loyal to friends and family, fiercely protective of the same. While I find it difficult to hold a grudge, I have been known to make exceptions, and can be quite vindictive. I try to think the best of individuals until proven wrong (and if that proof involves injury to me or mine, God help them, because no one else will be able to.)

I like chocolate, country music (most all music, really), science fiction, dark comedy, driving fast, walking through fog, sushi, and taking care of friends.

I dislike tailgaters, dimwits driving 45 in the left lane, most politicians, hypocrites, bigots, rap, reporters, spiders and people who are mean just because they can be.

My husband describes me as medium-maintenance, unpredictable, entertaining, and never boring.

I've been called a bitch many times, and still can't figure out why that's such a bad thing.