Since May 24, 2001

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I believe in God, the free gift of salvation accessible to us by the blood and death of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. God, from the beginning, imparted free will to us. Our forefathers recognized the inalienable rights inherent in that which was God given and chose to fight, bleed, and die for this vision of freedom... for themselves, for their children, for us. I am fixed to defend liberty & my soul is prepared ... how's yours?

The price of this freedom is eternal vigilance. Defend it or perish.
I could tolerate leftists if they had any coherent ideas for a better way to do things. But they don’t. They cling stubbornly to failed brain-fart dreams that have been attempted over and over again with disastrous results, but they never learn. When better ideas come along, they simply screech and holler at them, then fling feces like the monkeys they are.' -the late Rob Smith (GutRumbles)