P. James Moriarty
Since May 10, 2007

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Well hello!!!

Finally decided that I’d better make time to put something in here, so here goes.

First my name, obviously a persona created for the internet. The joke is P. (Patrick) James Moriarty, “James” being the Christian name of the good professor in the classic Sherlock Holmes stories of which I am a fan.

Me: I am a fifth generation native Oregonian. The first of my family to be born here was actually born in the Oregon territory, Sodaville to be exact (a stones throw south of Lebanon) in 1847. The family name at the time was Klum, if you want to look it up. Also, I can (and have) traced my family’s history on both sides to Immigrants arriving in the colonies in the early to mid 1630s. Needless to say, I have very deep roots here. In my lifetime I’ve been a janitor, sailor in the US Navy, Computer tech, Electronics tech, Manufacturing tech, Farm tractor/equipment driver, Mechanic, etc., and a few things I’ll never tell anyone about, ever. (No, I don’t have a police record and I’m not wanted by anyone for anything. Mis-spent youth and all.)

My father is/was a school administrator, so you can imagine the politics I was exposed to in the early years. You may also be able to imagine the looong hard struggle it took to come around to a realistic (so-called “right-wing”) point of view. From personal experience I can say that the public school system is a deliberately socialistic indoctrination center, and it made me sick to realize that what teachers generally hope for is to change the nation to their “new paradigm” by sending out into the world their minions, newly minted from other people’s children.

I must say I’ve come a long way from the old Tom McCall days. Here’s a short list of positions:

Law: I’m a Constitutional constructionist. The Constitution does say some thing and doesn’t say others, contrary to what some legislator and judges might think. I do now and have for more than two decades held a CHL, and usually carry. I also co-operate with all duly authorized law enforcement agencies. I will however use all the tools at hand to legally resist law enforcement not duly authorized or legally entitled.

Social: Broad subject, but....”Marriage” is between one man and one woman, now and forever. If a same-sex couple want to cohabitate, fine, disgusting, but what two adults do is up to them. I would not be opposed to “domestic partner” status with legal rights associated with it, but it should not be called “Marriage”. That’s a for-instance. My opinions are really all over the place depending on the specific issue, but typically conservative.

Hobbies: Coin collecting, History (early-mid American, ancient Roman, European, Celtic), current world politics, video games beginning with pong, computers beginning with Atari/Commodore and the 8088s, firearms both historical and modern, ammo reloading, and generally anything interesting at the time, geology, gold panning, metal detecting, astronomy, photography, etc.

WOT: I have to agree with Robert Spencer on this one, starting with the term “War on Terror”. Terrorism is a weapon or a tactic, not an enemy. You might as well say you’re making war on napalm, or torpedoes. The current events in the mid east are at the very least misnamed. It should be “the war against Islam”. It’s not a tactic, or even any single leader or group of leaders that are the foundation of the current expansion of the Muslim empire, but rather it’s the ideology behind it. Until we can at least properly name and identify the enemy, we are just shadow boxing. Please don’t get me wrong here, I fully support our military, and it would be a complete disaster if we simply pulled out of our current engagements. But even so, we as a nation are not addressing the root issue, and in fact are still so blind as to help the enemy in the name of “better relations”.

The pres. election: Fred Thompson all the way.

More information that you wanted to know, right? Well, I’m hoping to start good conversations with like minded individuals in my local area, and thought even if you’re not local, you would want to know who you’re talking with.

God bless all and it is good to meet you all!

Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute!! -- Thomas Jefferson