pig mint
Since Apr 30, 2008

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I’m an artist first. The medium doesn’t matter much to me, but currently I’m working in tattoos and watercolor. No, not together. The fact is, tattoos pay the bills, and it’s a facinating world once you get past the bikers, drunk kids, and ex cons.
To clarify, tattoos are done in pigment, not ink. Trailer trash and convicts use ink. It’s ignorant and self destructive. Tattoo art is not picked from a wall or magazine. It is individually drawn for a customer based on their visions and inspirations.
My clients are art collectors. They seek me out based on my style. I don’t have a shop or advertisements. My work is my advertisment, and I don’t want to be tied down to a building waiting on drunks to come in and ask me stupid questions. I devoted 10 years of my life to the USAF, and now I’m enjoying some of the freedom I fought for.
Also, I am a Christian. Before you ask, no I don’t feel conflicted about my work. No more than a barber should be conflicted about cutting someones sideburns. Don’t know what I mean? read the verse BEFORE the only verse in the bible refering to tattoos. personally, I don’t do tattoos in pagan rituals in memory of the dead. I get to know my clients first, and I believe I understand what’s on their heart when they’re getting their art. That’s the diference between a good tattoo and a bad choice you’ll regret later in life.