Since Oct 28, 2004

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Politically further to the right of GWB. Worked in the Goldwater campaign. Belonged to College Young Repubs at a very liberal university in DC. Belonged to Young Americans for Freedom in DC. Belonged to the Texas State Society in DC. In Texas, former Pct. Chair in highly Dem part of South TX. Former Pct. Clerk and Pct. Judge. Former member of Repub Women's group in San Pat County. County Coordinator for Sen Kay Bailey Hutchinson election.

Why interested in Free Repub: News junkie. Depend on the Internet for news due to slanted Dem local media (all varieties). Admire the webmasters and posters on this Blog esp. Love learning and the world of ideas. Freepers are intellectually challenging.

Approach on working in negative political environment: go for the heart of those opposing me; neutralize them by identifying with core beliefs we share and then inoculate them with my views after building my credibility and their trust. Stay in for the long game and outlast them with discipline and consistency. We now have 5 local Repubs in a Dem bastion in So Texas.

Background: Undergraduate degree in Latin American History from U. of Md. Graduate work in Systems Mgt and Public Admin. Retired pub admin of emerg telecommunications network for 12 counties in So. TX. Also worked 22 years in Wash,D.C. as a Defense contractor. High interest in defense and space programs. Former widow of a retired Army Intel Officer and also worked for Intel contractors while in DC(now wife of converted Lib who is strong Bush supporter). Servant stewardship characterized my approach to secular leadership and executive roles over 38 years. After retirement went into business. Operate small metal sculpture business for husband still in the work force.

Personal: WWII baby. Born in Boston. Raised in Cleveland OH and western PA. Moved to Wash DC to go to college. Moved to Texas after marriage to native Texan who sought to return after retirement.Stayed on after he died. Lived in TX 27 years. Heavily involved with community volunteering all my adult life. Emphasis on service to the working poor, the needy, addicted and mentally challenged. Deep Christian world view and intimate personal relationship with my Redeemer. Believe in personal accountability to God for the use of my talents. Tither for 24 years.