Since Sep 30, 2004

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Howdy 'ya'll from the great state of Virginia. I am a transplanted New Yorker, (yeah I know, I'm one of them dang Yankees), but not from New York city, from a little town in Western New York.

I have always been a conservative, well, at one time in my life I was pro-death, but then my conversion to born again Christianity changed all that. I have voted in every presidential election since 1980, only once have I strayed from the Republican ranks, I was one of the ones who bought into all the B.S. and voted for Perot in 1992.

I'm pro-death penalty, pro-gun rights, and all for free speech

My life revolves around my family, my church and my service in the world's finest maritime service, the U. S. Coast Guard.

My hobbies are NASCAR (Petty fan since the late sixties), woodworking, reading (mostly non-fiction military history) and exercising my right to know what is going on in the political arena.