Since Jun 9, 2004

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A free-enterprise, flag-waiving individual with military background. (USNavy Air Traffic Controller - USS Saratoga - "Achille Lauro / Lybia / Terrorist-Busters!"

Proud to be an FREE American!

Member of the NASA/JPL Saturn Observation Campaign - Good Saturn viewing thru June '05 in western evening sky.
Local-Supporter of the American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life"

I manage numerous chat channels on for NASA/JPL and others ... /nick is Pandelirium, SOC-Pandelirium, or similar. My nickname is widely known across the internet... just 'google' for it. ;)

Channels of note::
#space, #SpaceShipOne, #xprize, #spaceracenews, #maestro (JPL Mars Rover), #roverware (NextGen planning-software), #cassini, #nasa, #mars, #saturn, #messenger, #astronomy, #celestia, #hnsky, #MaximumPC and #MaximumPCMag, #StormAlert, (other-channels...), and of course: #pandelirium.

Pandelirium Studio Works / Pandelirium Productions