Since May 2, 2003

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Hello Free Republic Members, I am excited to join with you. Our United States Constitution holds us apart from the other so-called democracies. Our 'Founding Fathers' truly intended this Republic to be "of, by, and for the People" , in a fair, just, and democratic presentation, as long as this citizenry, their humanly pursuits, and justly elected subjects do not violate this Constitution. I know the sayings - 'the truth is the truth', 'the law is the law', but if it violates my, our, the, U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, then the hell with what they say! May be that I am an ol' hippy grump at times, but I Will Defend my Constitution with My Life!! Amen.. May I please add,- I read somewhere that there was intended to be a checks and balance review system within the Federal Government (executive / legislative / judiciary), well what may I ask is going on?!? Never will I bow to a dictator or to another so-called royal family as I did in the past. And last, for now,- why is a private, unaudited, unConstitutional company manipulating our, the People's financial/money/banking system?! Do they think - without firing a shot? We American revolutionary patriot/soldiers still exist today. I (we) did not die in 1809 or 1826. 'The Signatories' intended words, truths, freedoms, liberties and just conservative philosophies have never died. Da' Hello!?. Dear Free Republic Members, I am Sincerely and Humbly appreciative to be among you. And will abide by all rules, policy and reasonable/honorable administrations whilst in your service. This Free Republic Network looks to be a good place to make our stand. If I can be of any assistance , please ring. "God Bless America" ps- don't believe it when they say- 'the paine only lasts a little while'.......