Since Nov 1, 2004

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50+ year old former hippie, moved to Oregon from LA after the quake of '94, used to be hard core Democrat but with age comes wisdom and for the last 20 years have been Republican. Some issues Bring me closer to social Democrat/Liberal but on the whole I vote, and stand by the Conservatives. I love my country but sometimes question my leaders and I DO NOT tolerate any perceived threat to my life, those of my friends/family or my fellow Americans. I believe in the concept of Judeo-Christian ethics, I support the display of the 10 commandments and I think every kid in school should say the pledge of alliegience (sic) each day. I find abortion wrong, gay marriage the beginning of the end and I support states rights. God bless America, our troops and our way of life. Even today, with all thats wrong with this country we are still the only place people rush to, instead of flee from.