Since Jan 31, 2008

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In a nutshell:

I’m Christian, but I do not go out for a theocracy (that is something only God Himself will bring about in His timing, and not through the agency of mankind) or a “dominion theology” or any other unusual thing that tries to co-opt the Constitutional Government of the United States of America.

I’m a conservative, who believes in Goldwater and Reagan conservatism with a smattering of paleoconservative ideas: small government that mostly stays out of my yard, out of my pocket, and otherwise does the job with the powers enumerated to it by the Constitution. I’m willing to work with the not-so conservative part of the GOP in order to get the 75~80% of my conservative ideals upheld, but less than willing to support a candidate who says one thing and does another; and I’m gunshy of pols who stab the conservative base repeatedly in the neck.

I’ll render to God what is God’s, and to the Republic what is the Republic’s (namely, my taxes), but with the understanding that the stewards of the Republic do their best to keep the expenses reasonable and low, and that the taxes will be spent responsibly.

On the 2008 election:

I’ve been a FredHead (still believe in what the man had to say, and in his principles, even if his gameplan didn’t work out the way I wanted), and will probably hold my nose with reticence to pick the “lesser of the weasels” in the primary, but I cannot guarantee that if a certain individual wins, that I’ll actively support him.

At present, I cannot say with confidence that I would not “non-select” that particular candidate, should his name face me opposite the Democratic nominee. I won’t vote (D) for certain, but I might seriously hesitate to vote for that man as well, as I pull the lever for my local and state-level (R)s whose bonafides are proven and sure.

To sum up, I am approaching this election as an American Christian first, a social/defense/financial conservative second, and a registered Republican third.