Since Aug 5, 2006

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The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. (Dante)

Deborah, a judge of Israel, summoned Barak. When war and oppression came, Deborah acted as a leader of the people. She chose the most able military general and told him what he must do. The battle was fought: Sisera fled. The superior enemy forces were routed, their troops were slaughtered, and the Israelites were jubilant. Their faith in their God was strengthened. Sisera, the enemy general, fled from the battlefield towards the encampment of Jael the Kenite woman. Jael called Sisera into her tent, hid him and fed him. After Sisera fell asleep, Jael killed him by driving a tent peg through the side of his head. She was hailed as a national heroine by the pursuing Israelite forces, led by Deborah and Barak.