Since May 5, 2004

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I've always been conservative in my views (being raised in the military of the 1950's will usually do that to you).

I am registered Republican but am beginning to believe that's just a place-holder of convenience since it's becomming more evident (at least in my humble opinion) that all politicians are cut from the same cloth. It just depends on how you want to ride to the top of the mountain. The Republocrats drive Hummers and the Demonocrats drive Yugos.

I live in Albuquerque, and regardless of "El Jeffe" (our current governor) and his ilk, can't think of anyplace else in the contenential bounds of the U.S. I'd rather live.

I've been known to stick my foot in my mouth at times, so if I seem to be mumbling, that's usually why.

Glad to find a forum for lively discussion with like-minded individuals.