No more Demofascists
Since Feb 13, 2001

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Former Marine (10 years) veteran (Beirut, Lebanon 1983). Owned a small communications company in Texas for fifteen years after leaving active duty. Sold the business six years ago and roamed around the East Coast until April 2004 when I came home to Texas.

I was born conservative in a house full of "Bleeding Heart" democrats. Have always voted Republican on principle but now regard it as the lesser of two evils! After enduring eight years of Clinton's "Demofascist" rule, tearing down what little honor remained in the Office of the President, and heaping shame after shame on us I would rather fight than watch him and his minions extend their shadow over me again!

"The true test of a civilization is not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the, but the kind of man that country turns out." Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 "Society and Solitude"