Since Oct 4, 2009

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I’m conservative, a Christian at heart but can’t do it 24/7. I was born in Finland, I’m a 100% Finn, one of some 6 million on the planet.

I’m interested in politics, economy, architecture, languages, travel, all sciences, health & disease, psychology, health reform, education, witty people, and most of all: daily news, humor and my dog. My dog is easy to teach and fun to play with, but he has never learned to fetch the newspaper which is not his fault: I don’t get one, I search for my news globally using the net.

I believe in God and trust very few people, and don’t trust the government and US media at all. I developed software long enough to retire, so I am no longer interested in work but the current unemployment is something I am keeping track of, hoping that something will change the dreadful situation around. I am very disappointed that Obama’s plans are not working, but I did not like his plans to begin with. Especially his plans to end foreclosures was not going to work at all or not soon enough.

Between unemployment and foreclosures this country is falling apart. Lives are ruined. Families are broken up. People are suffering in too many ways - it is just unbearable to think about it too much. It was a sign of the times – a man drove his car off the cliff to reach the Grand Canyon at terminal velocity. At least he did not take anyone for a ride with him.

I can’t stand the Obamas, arrogant and socialist and out to ruin the country. But hopefully we only get 4 years of these $^F^&(U(&*&&^ Chicago thugs.