Since Feb 8, 2005

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Just wanted to use this space to put up the translation of the new Al-Queda magazine out in Iraq. I haven't had the time to read all of this yet, but I think it will be interesting.

In poison Allah start word of the number

Praise be to God this magnificence [waal'ikraam] and the prayer and the peace on welfare [aal'anaam] and on his generous family and his befriends, and in acne: So this resonant cry in youthful pencils [l'ie'laa'] word many land share in her our brothers the CIF and the ages qualified in what generous our Allah rose in him from the pilgrimage and the statement and lit in my revelation of Sunnis and the Quran and in comprehending Companions of the Prophet Mohammed and following to charity love in, for invitation of the character to gardens of the jinns said rose:(and Allah Al-Salam calls to house and guides from straight path wants to) [ywns]25, and to aberrance family of the hamlet and the heroes discovered and to taking out of the worshipers from parchment [aalshyTaan].[be'd] that misleading their [TwaaGyt] the land and slave of the crucifixes said rose:(who believed Allah fight in way and who [kafaruwaa] way fight in [aalTTaaaGuwti]

[faqaaatiluwaa] custodians of the devil indeed the devil be about to was [Dae'iyfaaAA]) the women 76.

[fhaahy] magazine (peak of the hump) roadsign organization Al-Qaeda in countries of AlRafidayn and forum of the militants of campaign on her important shoulder [tbSyr] conceded and invitation the character to belief and method of family of Sunnis and the group, and repent me features wandering Mansoura which the Quran strives in and the CIF and the ages strives in said rose:(to sent us [rusulanaaa] [biaalbayyinaaati] and bring down us with them the book and the balance to straightens the people in the share and bring down us iron in him courage tough [wamanaaafie'u] for people and to teaches Allah from grant victory him [warusulahu] in the absence indeed Allah strengthened Aziz) iron: 25.[qaal] Sheikh the Islam of son [tymyt] have mercy him Allah rose:(from justice about the book of people in the iron; Consequently support of the debt in the Quran and the sword was and Jaber narrated about Bin Abdullah bruises Allah about them said: (our matter of messenger Allah r['an] hit hereby the CIF from justice means about this means misread)) the collected 28/264

So our invitation that formation word of high Allah she and to Islamic law masters Allah rose [mshaarq] the land [wmGaarbhaa], and to occupant of the hamlet where what was and in any photo of assimilation said rose: ([waqaaatiluwhum] until not formation of seduction and the religion forms all him [lillh] so indeed [aantahawaa] so indeed Allah in what foresight do) [aal'anfaal] 39.

Nor damages us from opposed or from let down for that Allah rose helped, Sheikh of the Islam said have mercy him rose (and from year Allah that he if showing his explore of religion built from opposes him so the truth in his be true words and the truth throws in on invalid so invalidates him so if he [zaahq]….) the collected 28/57

Allah ask rose to coffee banner of the religion raises and that not the nation come from before us, and to guides us our spike and inspires us guided and makes us [hdaat] rightly guideds Amen

Allah on Mohammed prayed and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn] Organization of the liberation

Peace Sheikh of Osama bin Laden to the militants in Iraq In poison Allah Al-Rahman and merciful

Sheikh Osama to the militants in Iraq of message of expedition directed in her his peace to them, revelation in her their steadiness and their jihad, and this chosen cutters from message of Sheikh kept him Allah rose: As for after…

So to our brothers of the muslims in Iraq especially and to the Islamic nation general.

Al-Salam on you and his mercy of Allah and Barakat. Revive qualified patient in Baghdad house the succession and what around her, and revived brothers the militants stationed there, in Baquba and Samraa and Mosul and Kirkuk and Tikrit [waallTyfyt] and sisters her, and beige my and in enemy and remaining my the cities and the villages the militant, and special in the salutation hot, free in land Al-Anbar, nor expression family Fallujah, that city the hero resistant in face invalid, and which refused to degrades or yields for leader the hamlet gather, and lead gave him lessons in the steadiness on the principle, and proved for him that strength the faith, bones from missiles the guns and the birds, you exposed deceit his and democratic his, and showed that he liar adultery.

Then incitement Sheikh of the militants in Iraq on discarding of the team and the disagreement [waalaae'tSaam] in rope Allah all and the work under banner one so said have mercy him Allah rose:

Know that this war great have fun what after her, more like [maa] invasion of full moon was formed in big, in her results of the ossicle, and her comprehensive imprints. So what ended ['aSdaa'] [tkbyraat] Companions of the Prophet Mohammed bruises Allah about them, and clatter their swords and neigh their of horses of day of full moon, the nation soul of the glory and the jihad broadcasts in. The narrative fulfilled (messenger of peace be upon them from presents asked Gabriel our Companions of the Prophet Mohammed overtook from? So said: Our choice. So Gabriel said: Likewise from her presents from the owners). I not calculate that the militants today, who the American airplanes and the tanks resist, and the missiles in Palestine and Iraq connect in, except that them choice this nation today, and the Mouwafak from according to him Allah Palestine rose in full moon, and full moon Iraq, and full moon Afghanistan and full moon of the skewers and changed her in arenas of the jihad. Messenger of peace be upon him said our (not class from nations ends the truth fight on apparent to Judgment Day) see him muslim.

So desire that formation from this party, and likewise not calculate that the prince of the militant, the uncle [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy], and the groups which joined with him except that them from these welfares, and blessing this wandering fighter on matter Allah calculate them and noble Allah their. To walked us their audacious operations, against the your Americans and government of deserted Allawi response for order walked their Allah rose and order his messenger of the highborn of peace be upon him, per unit and the meeting [waal'ie'tSaam] in rope Allah. Allah said arbitrator of the revelation rose in) and Allah adhered in rope all nor separated (103 family of ages. Indeed us in organization Al-Qaeda: Their union welcome in with us big welcomes, and this great step, in road unification of efforts of the militants, for erecting state of the truth, and invalid destroying state, so Allah hope to receives her and blesses her.

For flag so indeed the uncle the militant [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy] he prince organization Al-Qaeda in countries AlRafidayn and on the brothers in the group there that hear for him and obey in well known, [wshtaan] [shtaan], between truthful from princes of the militants, calculate them and noble Allah their, who the Emirate for the sake of their yield about religion repairer desired on kill them. Between monarchs and chiefs of states of the area who unification of the nation straighten in, and cancellation of the boundaries which her drawing of the crusaders, and grow the national disagreement and the team smiling dedicated, and they not ready for sacrifice in their nation and her services, from reason [bqaay'hm] in the Emirate only, yet become [bEEbaay'hm]

[w'abnaay'hm] and their brothers, in way of the chair and what isolation of goodness Bin Talal and Hamza Bin the Hussein, and what marginalizing Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz from eye family of Fahad except idealizations thereon. So any welfare [yrtjY] from these for unification of the nation and care her of services, in the middle of the big conglomerations international big, and this some their situations.

Then indeed me the militants remind: That unification of the word under word of the unification, he pass not from [aalnwaafl], yet from be necessary essential, so be necessary to his truth gives, and the groups of the militant be necessary on, the coordination while between her for unification her of rows, under banner one, Sheikh of the Islam said Bin [tymyt] have mercy him Allah (so when Turks of the people some what their matter Allah in him, signed between them the enmity and the hatred and if separation of the people decayed and perished, and if congregated repaired and possessed, so indeed the group of mercy and the team of sufferance) ['ah] Osama bin Laden

Apothegms [lsfyaan] the bulls: The rebel said: From put for oppressive in the loved stay losing to Allah disobeys. Noble flags walked 7/46. Said: The oppressive sight to face of sin, nor the misleading Imam observe to except in the denial from your hearts on them [ly'laa] frustrates your works. Noble flags walked 7/40.

Peace Sheikh of fathers [mSe'b] to the prince of son Laden

Abu sent Sheikh [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy] salutation and peaces to his prince of Sheikh Osama bin Laden prince of organization Al-Qaeda on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha celebration, and this cutter from her: (nor forget in this denominator that peaces sent to: Our Sheikh and our prince Sheikh of the militant of fathers Abdullah Osama bin Laden - kept him godly Allah his so we on the reign last - in aid Allah - not dismiss nor resign [nsyH] in land Allah. In swords of the jihad [nTaae'n] enemies of the creed [wnnaajz] worshipers of the crucifix and indeed you will not [tu'twaa] from before us eye of extremism fulfilled - in permission Allah - So coffee throw no matter where [shy't]. So will not blessing except the wrestler in complying of the calling be new [waalmSaabrt] on duelist of the enemies, so grate in what eased you - in pubic regions Allah - [fwaallh] [ly'n] the your loved happiness on turning enter to us from the life and what in her Allah explained on pool and wail with you.

I with Osama where family [mEElh] *** as long as carries in the mouths of brigade
I with Osama urgent victories obtained *** or obtained sent down with the martyrs
Peaces also to the brothers of the militants in Afghanistan and on their head The mulla Mohammed age - kept him Allah -

The Sheikh the militant of the doctor Ayman Al-Zawahiri
The Sheikh the darling of fathers [aallyth] Al-Qasimi
To remainder of the brothers who did not mention them
Peaces to the lions in island Mohammed Allah prayed [e'yh] and peace
Allah ask to keeps you [wyre'aakm] so our hearts mutes and our beats tongues [tlhj] in the praying of punching
Peaces to the brothers in the skewers of fathers [HfS]. The sword. Their brothers
To the truthful brothers of the monotheist in land [aal'israa'] [waalme'raaj]
To the militants in the group ancestral for invitation and the combat and on their head
The uncle the darling [mSe'b] “Abd [aalwdwd]”
Peaces to remainder of the militants in lands conceded
Blessing received Allah and from you good the works
All year and you all-right
[wlyhnkm] what ['a] [SbHtm] in him of which the people became in him. In this feast
So the feast not for [mn] wore new. To the feast are for [mn] split in the unification
So the feast not for [mn] wore new. To the feast are for [mn] disbelieved in the polytheism and the criticism
So the feast not for [mn] wore new. To the feast are for who strove custodians of the polytheism and the criticism
} and truimphant Allah on his order and to more the people are not know { Abu [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy]

This aired us Praise be to God and sufficed, and the prayer and Al-Salam on represent us the Mustafa, and on his family and accompanied him and from [aaqtfY]. As for after: So this definition in organization of Al-Qaeda in countries AlRafidayn.

What he organization Al-Qaeda in countries AlRafidayn? He group from the muslims, from family of Sunnis and the group, gratification Allah in application his seeks to of orders [wnwaahyh] on himself and on change him, starting point from principle: [maa] Abd approached to my in object loved to of which assumed on him) (1), so his connected status erection ocular goals of chief and integral:

 renewal of the unification clear who came in him represent us Mohammed peace be upon him at from polluting his of unification [b'aadraan] [aalshshirkiyyaat], and spreading of word “not god except Allah” in the cities which did not connects her the Islam before.

 the jihad in way Allah; To word of high Allah she was formed, and for recovery of lands conceded all her from disbelieving hands and the apostates, and erecting of Islamic law Allah in that lands not teams between prince and ordered, and liberation of prisoners of war conceded; For that this imposing the scientists assigned agreeably, said [aaljaSSaaSu] the advanced Hanafi from the scientists in rules of the Quran] 3/114: Known in belief of all the muslims, that he if family of the mouths from the enemy feared, and did not harbors in them resistance for they, so their country feared on and puerperal their and their progenies that the imposing on all the nation that [yanfira] to them from refrains antagonized them about conceded, and this not opposite in him between the nation, then not from one strengthened from conceded authorization of the sitting about them until [yastabyHwaa] blood conceded and my cursing their of progenies [.

 victory Muslim no matter where were, and conceded repetition dignity which soil her the invasion and the agents, and his human truths which [slbwhaa] from him, and the effort to his statuses feel on different [aalmnaaHy]; Religious and worldly - materialism, social, education,… ['ilx] - according to educations of the Islam; So) the muslims [tatkaaf'a] [dmaau'hm], and their care seeks in ['aadnaahm], [wyujyr] on them remove them, illusion of hand on from [siwaahm]) (2).

 grown-up reinstating the succession on method of the prophecy; For that (from died and neck of transaction not in his died [miytat] pre-Islamic times) (3). Our officer in our goals big: The book and Sunnis on good method the ancestor, [wtajliyaati] knowledgeable growns-up of family of Sunnis from following in charity, and indeed from essential our religion that not conceded drop blood spill unjustly, so disappearance of the life in happy her easy than conceded spillage blood one.

• Why the operations in Iraq straighten in against American and their aids from the army and the police? ) the purpose)  gratification [llh] who the jihad and pushing pass in [aalSaay'li] on valuable and the accidents and the moneys, and taking out his from land AlRafidayn land of the successors.

 ['inqaadhaaAA] for accidents our of brothers, [we'faaf] our sisters, and innocence our of children Muslim, who worry destroys in American and their aids from refusing representing in legion the betrayal of legion of full moon, and party of the invitation to the devil.

 Islamic reinstating of sunrise the succession from capital of the succession “Baghdad”, to blossom the justice and the welfare in areas of the your radiates in world days were “rational Haroun”.

 killing all from [tadannasat] so flew him so favor to row disbelieving in war their with sons Muslim from land Iraq, from individuals the army and the policemen and the agents the spy, who be possible for American, and help them on commitment the crimes and extortion sisters our in jail “Abu Ghraib” and change him, and which [maa] were to succeeds had it not been for treason these and collusion their, so which religion bug my in hearts these illusion the stick which waves in her America once and uses her once last? Said rose, - and all his matters [e'zwjl] just and for Salah the mankinds -: (not people be new Allah guarantee in and today the other [yuwaaddwn] from sharp Allah and his messenger even though fathers or their sons or their were their brothers or [e'shyrtahm]). [violence of the argument: 22].

Reasons [dhlt] Muslim and despotic raising her: The reasons of the chief little hit her plenty from the sicknesses perform to lethal:

Person physician be soft this nation, - and will not ring of the messengers be new as r his truthful physicians in advising [lnaa]-, person be soft enemy and description of the medicine, so said: ([yuwshik] the nations that [tadaae'Y] on you you [tadaae'Y] [aal'aakalatu] to [qaSe'atihaa]! So said saying: From fewness of we [ywmy'dh]?! Said: Yet you [ywmy'dh] many, and hit you scum as scum of the flood, and to Allah from chest your remove of jog [aalmahaabata] from you, and to Allah in your throw hearts twish them, so said saying: [yaa] messenger Allah and what twish them? Said: Grain of the life and hatred of the death) (4), Ahmed fulfilled novel of the Imam: (your grain of the life, and your hatred of the combat), and successor said Muslim first first Abu of the friend t in first speech for him: “[maa] people of the jihad left except [dhalluwaa]”.

Calling to the muslims in land Iraq all:

Indeed her case not [e'raaqII] geographical only, indeed her great case our Islam… Firstly see how loneliness disbelieving the scientist [wjmmae'waa] their armies in more than/30/state for invasion Iraq, and benevolent looting, and your humiliation, and end you wives [nsaay'km]? So perceptive brothers of the militants from emigrants and helpers denounces on your. Your brothers who their countries deserted, and husbands and their left their children, clarified [bdmaay'hm] from magnificent your, for your protection, and protection your of families, and the keepers on your accidents, and eviction of the invasion from your land.

[faantabihwaa] from misleading information of the crows [we'mlaay'h] - as government Allawi - who photo your brothers of the militants distort, who came to you from magnificent your, not want for valuable their from you retribution nor thanks… Not [filsaaaAA] nor [qirshaaAA], [fnuHwrhm] without [nHwrkm], [wdmaau'hm] without [dmaay'km], and valuable their for valuable your the redemption, and Muaad Allah that jihad of seduction is our, yet Turks the jihad of he the seduction, this way governing Allah so said for backward about the jihad: (not to in the seduction [saqaTwaa] and indeed [jhnnm] [lamuHiyTatUU] in disbelieving).

[fhyaa] [yaa] grandsons immortal [wqutybta] [waalmuthannaY]: Brothers of the militants straightened with your to Iraq opened, and from after him what occupied him the Muslim disbeliever from countries, [wmudduwaa] rebuff helpful in what can, even though [bishiqqi] date; For gaining bruise of Allah and the rescue from fire the afterlife, and to welfare were formed behind to ancestor chose, sin Turks of the jihad free from, and the escape from the crawl, so he big from [aalkbaay'r], as leaving of the fasting and the charity and the pilgrimage.

As for you any her the soldier. [w'ayhaa] the conditions so lac ask Allah [aalhdaayt] before it is too late, [yaa] from snuffle Muslim, and lie down humble under prefecture of the agents, and authority of the crucifix, for the sake of girl from the life, so your life sold in other your,) and last welfare and remain) (… So turn you what elapsed… before knows [aalmamaat], promise to so flew you Islamic, (until not formation of seduction and the debt is all him [llh]), otherwise so lac of blessing not except the necks of punishment on your prefecture and your treason for your notched religion and for Muslim, so you the armor who fears in him disbelieving occupied, and indeed [twbtak] from your prefecture, then joining your in knees of the faith [l'ie'laa'] word Allah amusement and Allah of welfare of lac from the life and what in her, and liked to ourselves [w'aashhY] to our hearts.

[fyaa] horse Allah install, so the coming victory, and be soft loses you Allah any her the militants even though let down you the people all, and this operations she of beginning of the end indeed Allah wanted then follows her the shown opening, and what that on Allah in dear. Available Abu

[bsm] [aallh] [aalrHmn] [aalrHym] Issued statement from the legitimate committee in organization seated the jihad while pertains governing of the elections

Sent down praise be to God of the laws, the scientist in what he harmful and what he useful, and the prayer and Al-Salam on from Allah am complete in him the blessing [mHmdaaAA] Allah prayed on him and his family [wSHbh].['amaa] after: So indeed soldiers of the Islam took on themselves that the hamlet in his fight colors idolized was or trees or human being or parliaments Allah matches Islamic law and contradicts him and the muslims welfare their strengthens about of god and have mercy him, comprehending hands present between conceded this advice ['ie'dhaaraaAA] to Allah rose and pilgrimage raise for ignorant and spite so right letter of the wound about his places and the breath of fathers get lost; So say and in Allah seek help:

The parliamentary democracy and the councils [yaa] my disbelieving brothers of she from debt [w'ahwaay'hm], and the bruises in her entering in their religion and followers for their creed and exit from creed of the Islam, Allah said became strong and wander:{or [ye'ydwkm] in financed them and be soft succeed if never}, and said rose:{[wly'n] their loves followed after came you from the flag indeed you if blamed oppressive}, so not return on [aal'adbaar] deserted disbeliever, nor [ysxfnkm] the devil and right your in investigation the wisdoms in the law about road of councils of the hamlet this, said rose {promises them and right their, and what promises them the devil except egotism},

So the democracy in custom her family of she of rule of the people, and that the rule of authority unbounded raised other than other sentenced in any authority, and imitates this authority in truth the people in choice his of rulers and his truth in legislation what the laws wants from, and the people practices this authority of custom in the delegation to deputies chooses about him idealize him in the parliament and represent about him in practice of the authority;Any that source the legislation and the analysis and the distorting of he the people and Allah not, and is complete that about road his of choice for representatives represent about him in task the legislation of sleepiness of the laws..[wqd] brand her “the council of the countries” or “Governing Council” or “people's assembly the” or state council the “or” council of the branch “ This means that [aalm'alwh] the worshipped [aalmTaae'] - as to the

legislation - he the mankinds and Allah not be exalted in rose him. This heterogenous and contradictory to the religion and the unification refine, indicates thereon say him rose:{indeed the governing except [llh] matter that not worship except ['iyaah]}. His statement rose:{nor governing make a partner in his someone} .[wqwlh] rose:{mother for they of partners they from the religion began for [maalm] permits in him Allah}. His statement rose:{and indeed ['aTe'tmwhm] indeed you for polytheist} .['ay] because [e'bdtmwhm] as to your obedience

['iyaahm] in analysis [maa] Allah or distorting forbad what Allah refer, so indeed you for worshipers to Allah love without; For that the polytheism not the Quran or Sunnis releases in except for kind worship of behavior to Allah changed became strong and be exalted .[wkdhlk] say him rose:{bishop and their monks of gods without Allah took their}, comprehending of gods without Allah for what they recognized for rightly the legislation and the analysis and the distorting of

sleepiness of They acknowledged for rightly the legislation and the analysis and the distorting of sleepiness of the laws without Allah rose.

Said rose:{so indeed object disputed in [frdwh] to Allah and the messenger indeed were last Allah and the day guarantee in}, so making Allah became strong and necessities the faith of reply of the conflict wander from - any conflict - to Allah and the messenger; Any to the book and Sunnis

While the absolute truth - in sight [aal'islaam]-[aaldhy] his observance be necessary [waale'D] on him [baalnwaajdh] - even though so spill you audiences of the people - he followed [aalmsTwr] in the book and the age. So the truth what agreed and story what in the book and Sunnis and indeed audiences of the people congregated on otherwise, and invalid [maa] governed on him the book and Sunnis in the heroes even though audiences of the people congregated on otherwise. So the governing [llh] unify him, and human being not for or the majority.

Said rose:{and indeed [tTe'] more than in the land [yDlwk] about way Allah indeed the assumption follow except and indeed them their except [yxrSwn]}. The narrative of losing fulfilled the prophet of peace be upon him be true about that he said: “indeed from the prophets from did not believes him from kill him except man one”. So where site this prophet and with him the man the one in democratic balance majority.?!

This [yaa] my brothers: What she except trick malignant to the muslims about the jihad dismissed essential on them, jihad of the rulers deserted and changed them from the disbeliever, so devils of the mankind comes to say and did not the jihad and the discomfort and box of the elections of he the solving?, and what on you from duty of Islamic laws except receiving of paper in the box goes for. To complain in that happy the people hereby the their devilish path [aalTwaaGyt] on disagreement their of forms, who what allowed to divide associated to the Islam in incomes of the parliaments except to empty conceded about their jihad;

Of which not doubtfulness in him that [aal'imaamt] coagulates in transaction family the thorn - any the strength -, so as lowness your will not straightens the government Islamic in time our and be soft disinfects countries our from [rjs] occupied and guilt their from deserted traitorous except in the thorn any in the strength, nor be deceived in million the human being who vote for good who allege that them Islamic in the elections representative, so indeed these million if request from them loaded the weapon and the jihad to postpone imposing governing the Islam and to dismount shackle brothers our and sisters our from happy to sneak [liwaadhaaAA], so any thorn in these and strength the armies with the rulers disbelieving?, and the state for who the strength possesses, and the strength: Men and weapon then stretched, so results this parliamentary elections what she except falsity and illusion not strength of favor leans to about that document for legitimacy is; The democracy in her parliaments and her elections what she except trick to drugging of the Islamic energies, and what she except canal for drainage this energies afar about thrones [aalTwaaGyt], said rose:{and already [mkrwaa] their visciousness and stubborn Allah their visciousness, and indeed their visciousness was [ltzwl] from him the mountains}.

The disbeliever on disagreement their of kinds the democracy say in [maadaamt] actualization their of purposes, so if conflicted and their services were first of destroys her, want them at that disbelieving matter who industrialized [SnmaaAA] from [aale'jwt] [lye'bdh] film day of food become hungry [aal'ihh] who was worships him, and the idealizations thereon many from the east and the crows.

The extract [yaa] brothers Muslim that members of the parliament - befriends the legislation for people followed in - their in fact gods of worshipped without Allah, and who elect them from the their people grow raise them gods without Allah, and both the teams expiates hereby, said rose:{decreased [yaa] the believers word rose to [II] [swaa'] between us and in your yen, not to Allah nor spreading worship except your in him something, nor takes some us gods without Allah divided, so indeed assumed so say I muslims witness in}, so not entering be possible this councils nor participative in election ['ae'Daay'haa].

Nor elapses us in this denominator to entrust all from give a fatwa the people - whatever Kent arranged - that is that foresight in fact who give a fatwa in him until not deceives him [aalmstfty] in him accident happening ugly in deprives garment good, you wear these democratic [aalshrkyt] the invitation to Allah, so indeed from intentional lines the mufti identified happening who give a fatwa in him, and garment blessing known that the mufti “on him if came him question in her refers on give a fatwa omission essential or analysis prohibited or visciousness or deceit to assigns [aalmstfty] in her, and guides him to requested his, or him in apparent who reachs in him to his, yet be necessary for him that is foresight in an evil smart way the people and deceit their and solvers their, nor be necessary for him to improves the assumption in worry, yet is caution [faTinaaAA] Jurist in situations of the people and their matters, [ywaazrh] his doctrine in the bills, and indeed did not harbors

likewise [zaaaGa] [w'azaaG], and her beautiful sleeve from question apparent apparent, and inside her visciousness and deceit and injustice, so inexperienced observes to apparent her and demolishes me in his legality, and having the foresight [ynqd] her intention and inside her, so first circulates on him [zaGal] the your questions circulates on ignorant in the cash [zaGalu] the Dirhams, and second comes out counterfeit her you the critic falsity of the cash take out. How much from invalid comes out him the man in goodness for his walrus [wtnmyqh] and showing his in photo of truth, and sleeve from truth take out him in

crossbreeding his and his evil of expressing in invalid photo, and blessing for him lower insight and experience not hides on him that, yet this truimphant solvers of the people, and for his abundance and make famous him [yustGnY] about the idealizations. Yet from contemplation of the sayings invalid and the novelties all her and be new her take out her her advisable befriends in loaves and as Sous her pronunciations kisses her in her from did not her truth knows”. This she the democracy in shortness…

Know [yaa] sons killed that this regimes traitorous so not received have fun pay attention… so in mere renunciation America about them or collapsing her so indeed her will collapse natural and without any effort mentions and lowness your to end not straightens on rule solid from application Islamic law Allah, so seated which straightens on her she rule cardboard crisp [tzwl] in first storm storms in her and lowness your for lack presence supportive first have fun and she America, losing [aatxdhwhaa] god worships without Allah became strong and wander and lead truthfulness and Allah Sheikh the militants Osama bin Laden - kept him Allah - when graze her [hbl] the era;So remove support you about obedience these and hearts for right path of the Quran open your and Allawi and his negotiated for faction between us and between you book of Allah and year represent him;So either that [tqblwhaa] obedience [llh] and his messenger or to Allah empowers on you his soldier and hits from you the necks and hit from you all coffees.

So indeed us say definitive other than hesitant nor [shaakyn] in that democratic governing her in debt Allah he the hamlet rose [aalbwaaH] who not hides except on all blind the vision and the foresight. That from believed her, or called to her, or avowed her and accepted her, or improved her from other than [iimaane'] Islamic laws considering, so he disbeliever deserted about his religion and indeed names rise in conceded.

So this she the democracy, and this he governing her, and saying rule and the laborer in her. Wrote her statement for truth punch and character advized for… So is you [mnthwn], so Hill you [mnthwn]. ?? O God ['inaa] inform us so witness.

The legitimate committee in

Organization seated the jihad

The magicians and pharaoh Praise be to God of many the scientists and the prayer and Al-Salam on Imam of the militants represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn]:

['amaabe'd] so indeed Allah glory his and rise talking in book his dear about the jihad and the redemption speeches wide upright on invitation the worshipers to perception soul the suits and the sacrifice, and that he glory his and rise meanwhile already ['ae'Taanaa] examples brilliant and situations heroic [lldhyn] preceded from insured patient fixed on followed and statement behavior their with [aalkfrt] the criminals who tough their the runner for faith their in Allah and hamlet their [baalTaaGwt] .[wmn] this situations heroic and the commando suspensive magicians pharaoh who believed in Allah many the worlds and in messenger his Moussa peace be upon him and blame hesitate instant one, in spite of what faced in him pharaoh faith their this in the torture and the killing and the torture and lowness your that did not [yzdhm] except faith jumps.

To glory already male Allah his and rose this story detailed in three wall from his book of the Aziz (the customs, Taha, and the poets).

[lqde'b'a] pharaoh the audiences the battery and cramming to witness victory the magicians on Moussa and triumph on him then [haahm] ['awlaa'] see the magicians find what find Basem pharaoh and became strong him, then win until avow [baalGlb] and acknowledg in truthfulness message Moussa peace be upon him, [l'inhm] introduce the people in the magic and ascertain that what came on hand Moussa not from make the human being nor be possible that is magic said preservative Bin many have mercy him Allah in this interpretation his (said son grim (bruises Allah about them) so made not dates in object from hunters their nor from wood their their except [aaltqmth] so Arafa the magicians that this object from the sky not this in magic so come out knelt and said safe in many the worlds many Moussa and Haroun mouth raised heads their until saw Heaven and the fire and reward family their) 2/238. [faastbaan] for magicians blossom of the faith and straight back the road for view so many the worlds believe in and in his messenger who send him and worship of pharaoh left, illusion since instant his soldiers were who his service came for and wait lease him.

Will stop with this story of several stands important their family reports of the unification in facing [lTwaaGyt] the era:- The stand first:

Why pharaoh in the magicians seek help without changed them in facing invitation of the unification which came in her Moussa peace be upon him? Indeed the magic was from vocation holy not practices her except priests the temples length the countries and demonstrated her, said gentleman pole have mercy him Allah in interpretation (in pagan all her almost skimp the debt in the magic and practices the magic priests the religions [wsdnt] the gods, so the magicians were in priests the religion pagan which [yHtrfwn] the magic [yHtrfwn] the divination and the rentals he the his goal in this and that, and [wtbaadl] service the sultan invalid [waalTaaGwt] truimphant she position professional your from men the religion and wounds deviated the statuses about loyalty the slavery [llh] and separation glory in gubernatorial or rose Sultan [aalTaaGwt] established law Allah needed [aalTaaGwt] to these professional and reward them on the professionalism and exchange [w'iyaahm] the transaction their avow Sultan his smiling the religion, and he gives them the money and makes them from close).

So pharaoh was uses these for projection legitimate on governing his and on verbs and that he needed to them to avow Sultan his smiling the debt, and that this magicians tongues pharaonic she year [TaaGwtyt] was nor ends [aalTwaaGyt] walk on her his in contract alliance abominable between them and in yen knowledgeable the evil _ knowledgeable [aalTwaaGyt] agents the sultans _ to take from them curtain cover behind him hamlet their [wTGyaanhm] and spoilage their in the land and what on these scientists except [ydlswaa] on the citizen [wyxde'whm] and make to love all what straightens in him [aalTaaGwt] religion be necessary to follows and enclose not [mryt] in him _ even if was [aaltHaakm] to other than Islamic law Allah or supporting disbelieving and make to love all what forces him [aalTaaGwt] (invalid) be necessary to leaves even if was arbitration Islamic law Allah became strong and wander or jihad disbelieving from Jew [wnSaarY] and deserted , and opposite that the positions and the nicknames will collect on [waaljaah] and change her from transient belonging the life and truthfulness in them the poet negotiated:

[yrmrm] from girl the hamlet of strength Drinks from their glasses of the residue Comfort accepts [aalTaaGwt] time [wylthm] shy measure for land his of shoes Indeed these scientists (the agents) their the danger of the raiding and great who the nation faces, losing be true about him peace be upon him that he said (frighten what nations of all hypocrite frightened on knowledgeable in the tongue) correct the mosque of number (239), novel fulfilled (frighten what frightened on you the misleading Imam) correct the mosque of number (322), The stand second:

How much [hwHjm] the fear and the anxiety who pharaoh and his [ml'a] from faith of the magicians in many the worlds hit? That for apprehension their that this faith idealizes dangerous on regime theirs and arbitrator their, to opposes Al-Qaeda which straightens on her this faith with Al-Qaeda which straightens on her that Sultan, comprehending grow straightens wisdoms their on removing [rbwbyt] the human being - in removing law his be exalted and rose - and appointment themselves gods legalize for people what [yshaau'wn], so indeed him not stay nor decision appear you [aalTwaaGyt] with the invitation to the unification and for lowness your was first of faces invitation the messengers in the denial their these “the [ml'a]” from the rulers and the prominent person and decay the sultan in straighten them. Said rose {and what sent us in village from herald except said [mutrafuwhaaa] ['iinnaaa] in what ['aursiltum] in him [kaaafiruwna]} (34) violence [sb'a] and said rose {said who [aastakbaruwaa] ['iinnaaa] in delicious my believed in him [kaaafiruwna]} (76) violence of the customs, for that them feel always that invitation of the unification mean first what the legislation mean [nze'] Sultan from these [aalTwaaGyt] [waaltHaakm] to Islamic law [aalbaary] became strong and wander, and for this so indeed the pure invitation to the unification fears disbelieving and scares them and their beds demolishes. The stand [aalthaalt]:

Tried pharaoh suspicion the people in truth the victory who containers Moussa peace be upon him, and truth faith the magicians in him and this attempt mentioned her Allah glory his and rose about pharaoh {said pharaoh believed in his before indicated punching indeed this for visciousness [mmakartumuwhu] in the city to take out from her family her so wills teach} (123) violence the customs, said son many have mercy him Allah (indeed this statement invalid and pharaoh knows that and grow said this concealment [wtdlysaa] on [re'aae'] internationalized him and ignorants their you said rose {so underestimated straightened him [fa'aaTaaae'uwhu]…}).

Said [aalshwkaany] have mercy him Allah in opening God (pharaoh explore hereby the statement to the suspicion on the people enters until not [yu'mnwaa] otherwise losing of knowledge that them did not Moussa learn from nor between them and in his yen of continuation). This pharaonic year last was nor ends [aalTwaaGyt] make her released first and the step first in their war against family of the unification, indeed her excitement of the resemblance and the rumors and the defamation and trier deformation of the reputation so as what verb of pharaoh and suspicion the people in truth of faith of the magicians in Moussa of peace be upon him try [waade'aay'h]

That she conspiracy. As that verb [mshrkwaa] Quraish with the prophet peace be upon him [frmwh] in the lying and the craziness once and that he poet once, and that he magician divides between the father and refuse him refuse him and in yen the one and mated him once other, and as lowness your does [aalTwaaGyt] in day our this in war their on the militants so stab in symbols the jihad burning the militants and try suspicion the people in intentions their in circulation the fibs towards them once (theory the conspiracy), and clear them that them emotional enthusiastic rash once, and call that them leaving stray once other. The stand fourth

Pharaoh to the threat and the wild killing resorted [waaltnkl] in the magicians indeed did not faith in Allah of many the scientists return about their, and his execution that threat [waalwe'yd]

Allah said grim son of bruises about them (and was first of crucifixion and first of cutting of the hands and the men from opposite pharaoh). Indeed him the torture and the deformation and the killing and the torture who depends on him the despots when subjugation of the hearts be unable about [w'irDaaxhaa] for their power [wTGyaanhm], gentleman says have mercy him Allah (indeed her method [aalTwaaGyt] in facing followed direct who not pushing be possible his in the proof and the proof and several invalid in facing followed direct).

The stand fifth:

Apprehension of the magicians after the faith in their rose hearts, that the battle in their yen and between pharaoh battle of the belief and that he not [ynqm] from them except their faith in many the worlds. {and what [tanqimu] [minnaaa] except safe in paradigms suggest doubt blame [jaaa'tnaaa] suggest doubt emptied on us [SabrAAaa] and die us [muslimiyna]} (126) violence of the customs and this he what to knows him the unification in all time qualified and approached that them grow return and fight and worry does in [maayfe'l] to their belief postpone not [lshy'] other said rose… and not end fight you until [yarudduwkum] about your religion indeed could…} (217) violence of the cow Gentleman said have mercy him Allah (and this apprehension for nature of the necessary battle so he and restricted him who qualified these insurers for underestimation in what his way find in. That them the death present on [msthynyn] for their certitude that them their insured in many the scientists and to their jog on religion other than their religion. Who nature of the battle knows between him and between [aalTaaGwt]. That she battle of the belief in the core not cajoles nor maneuvers. Nor the forgiveness and the pardon from enemy hopes will not accepts from him except Turks of the belief for that he grow fights him and pursues him on the belief. Who who knows where the battle faces in and to from faces not deduction of the Salama and the health requests from his grow requests from suggest doubt him the patience on the seduction and the death on the Islam)

The stand sixth: Steadiness of the magicians on their faith and on their belief belief of the unification despite of them that them narratives of agreement were in her instant understood since soldiers of pharaoh were - and in spite of what threatened them in him pharaoh and promises them in him what shook that something from their belief and what their traveler was for him except {[qaaaluwaa] not disadvantage ['iinnaaa] to suggest doubt [munqalibuwna]} (50) violence of the poets and lead take out [aalTbry] have mercy him Allah in his interpretation about son increased in this paradigm: Says not disadvantage who says and indeed made him coffee and crucified us ['inaa] to suggest doubt returning and he (glory his) permissible our in our patience on your punishment ['iyaanaa] our jumps on his unification and the innocence from the hamlet in him).

So to underestimated in courage the despots and triumphed in hearts the belief on grain the life so became [tHtqr] the yard transient to neighborhood the immortality resident film promises hearts their gathers in the threat [waalwe'yd] who promise them in him pharaoh and blame promises worries them from order this life little nor many said son grim bruises Allah about them (became magicians and are martyrs [brrt]) so this she year the martyrs [aalbrrt] and indeed her year for as long as was have fun men her and for as long as was have fun heroes her lost male Allah glory his and rise in book his dear story other not decreases men her championship jumps on followed and readinesses for sacrifice from magicians pharaoh, indeed her story the lad and blessing safe in him and what verb his in worry befriends the furrow. Be true about him peace be upon him that he said (indeed from was before you their one was the saw on separating puts headed him so be loyal to to present him not dismisses him that about his religion and combs combs in iron what between welding his and glorified him not empties him that about his debt) see him the Bukhari and about ['amymt] [mwlaat] the prophet of peace be upon him said (daughter-in-law ['awDy'] the prophet of peace be upon him [f'ataah] man so said entrust me so said not Allah make a partner in something and indeed piece or the fire burnt in…) correct comprehensive

To already [aamtHn] plenty from befriends of the prophet of peace be upon him in the killing and solid solid and the torture, so were patient and blame something turn to thereof, and contemplation of cut Asem bruises Allah about him, [wxbyb]: Who said negotiated him famous when they the socializations in killing his Allah accepted about him

Not pay attention when kill [muslimAAaa] On any near was [lillahi] my demise That in self of the god and indeed [yasha'a] Connections of limb blesses on [mumazzae'i] O God the truth secured on and the unification killed on and other put us that praise be to God of many the worlds and Allah prayed on represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him and blessed and peace. Generous slave Al-Qahtani

Osama and Fallujah ([bsm] [aallh] [aalrHmn] [aalrHym])

Sheikh of fragrant Osama bin Laden salutation to the militants in Fallujah sent double in her on their jihad their of jumps and between in her Sheikh [mfaaxr] lion of the Islam in [m'asdt] Fallujah so Sheikh said kept him Allah rose: Special in the hot salutation, free in land Al-Anbar, nor expression family of Fallujah, that resistant city the hero in invalid face, and which refused to degrades or leader of the hamlet yields for accumulate, and gave him lessons in the steadiness on the principle, and proved for him that strength of the faith, bones from missiles of the defender and the aviation, you deceit and his exposed his democracy, and showed that he liar of killer. Otherwise so what the teams between massacre tyrannical Saddam in Halbaja and between massacre of Bush in Fallujah? So indeed killing harbors Saddam a few thousand, smiling the stinking nationalism, from our brothers from the Kurds there on them mercy Allah, so indeed pharaoh of the era killing in Fallujah already and restricted her a few thousand likewise, and wounding and hindrance of weakness that, favor about displacement and horrifying hundred the thousand, and all that cruciferous Basem [aalmtShynt] eager for blood.

So the muslims be necessary on, that [ye'waa] truth this war good, so not interpretation of siege be possible like you city in complete her, her inhabitants in hundred the thousand, in proof that in her hundred resistant, except indeed her war inclusive on the Islam and his family. Allah hope to killing from our brothers in the martyrs receives from, and that right on the victims in the cure.

[wly'n] [saay'naa] what hit qualified there, losing walked that great steadiness, [waal'athaar] big which become organized on him, where soul of the jihad and the redemption and the glory spread [waal'ibaa'], in areas Iraq, as spread of the fire in the straw. Yet and navel that soul [aaljhaadyt] [aal'abyt], to the remainder from countries Muslim, and lead lost assumptions Bush, when explore to defeats and degrades this city insured, and to effaces her from the presence, and makes her example for each family the land, whereof refuse the slavery for America, and to are refused Allah have fun except the glory [waalsu'dd], so withstood winch headed her in spite of nose his and insulted him, and interior the date from widen doors his so honored him, and became idealization for resistance and the challenge, in savage American, and happy thereby the convoys. Indeed me infirm about describing [aau'ly'k] the men in what their qualified for him, and to are try, so little welfare from the lack, [fllh] revolve [aau'ly'k] the heroes inexperienced [aalmyaamyn], who presenting of the stars wove on [aalzaahrt]: Their brothers the nine ten, in [mqaare't] pharaoh of the era, nor say that them head of the nation promoted Islamic only yet head raised human gather, in time gentlemen the scientist of education of the slave, [thqaaftaalrDY] in the lowness and the submission [waalhwaan] and subservient under slogan of the wisdom and the repairer and realistic. Human head promoted, in time [yT'aT'a] in him chiefs the world their of heads in front of tyrannical, at alpine doorsteps white.

Came these giants [aal'abaat], shaggy dusty, God-fearing [aal'axfyaa'], calculate them and noble Allah their, high about [bhaarj] the life and her ornamentations, related in promised Allah, disbeliever in worship of the human being for human being, and undertaking some them gods without Allah divided across what rises in legitimate international, or the new regime the worlds, and the regimes which revolves in so his lac.

[jaau'waa] to corner rooms attack, at that the oppressive regime, Al Qaim on application of the oppressive decisions, for weakened Security Council of the security and beautiful laws the nations on the people, that beautiful atheistic, which [tqnn] the relation between gentlemen of the veto and on headed them America, and in yen of slave collective general, then lying and falsities about the justice and the equality and the freedom speaks.

To fixed these great men in Fallujah, in tyrannical face who came marked [wbTraaAA], assasination missiles of the guns parades, and destruction bombs of the birds, on weakened from the men and the women and the newborn. Then pregnancy banner of the freedom and the humanity calls.

Secured in directed him in spite of fewness of the number, and weakness of the number, bare the heads, disgraces of the chest, and to their hearts are in keep [tzwl] the mountains [aalrwaasy] nor [yzwl]. Calculate them and noble Allah their.

This certitude of he delicious my [tjdhdhr] in hearts our of grandfathers Allah accepted about them so removed in him civilization cruciferous corrupt from our countries before [whzmwhm] by virtue of Allah, and wail today holding on in him will and defeat them in our faith in permission Allah.

Secured to world fix for gather, meaning the faith of the truth, and meaning Izzat and strength of the holding on religious in solid rope Allah, so page lined became strong new in date killed, [bdmaay'hm] [w'ashlaay'hm], so the acnes fight and blame [tthnhm] the preventers, and plunge [aalrdY] and blame [tDe'De'hm] the turmoils.

Those [EEbaay'y] so come me in their idealizations if gathered us [yaa] [jryr] the conventions

I revived these single men great today, in time did not the jihad promises strange by virtue of Allah, yet the Islamic nation all her salute them from the surroundings to the surroundings, [Haashaa] the rulers deserted and hypocritical, as the writers hired, and worlds of the evil who the people about combat end [aalaamrykyn], and grown-up of the sitting about the jihad rise, peaceful resistance. Or who say indeed combat [aal'amrykyn] ruin your of terrors, and burning and seduction, hearts with hearts their resembled their of ancestors, who Allah said in them) and their blessing from says hurt for me nor fascinate not to in the seduction fell and indeed [jhnm] for surrounding in disbelieving (49 the repentance.

Sheikh his of message in the praise on martyrs concluded [m'asdt] Fallujah and the praying to love so said:

The end fulfilled: Call Allah rose to receives the heroes, who demolished like them in arenas the jihad, in all place and especially heroes the operations martyr, who tore the armies Zionist and the crusader, you say good-bye to who put feet their in stirrup her, ask Allah be soft and for they the steadiness, and to were honored in acquaintance some from passed uterus their Allah, and becomes strong on that I did not am honored in acquaintance the some the other, and to are of which becomes easy on found so refined their, that them witnessed this slaughterhouses great for victory the Islam. So Allah ask to receives them in the martyrs, so their family help in, and formation their souls in interiors of bird of green, Heaven send away from where wants, then lodges to [qnaadyl] commentator in throne Al-Rahman. So Allah ask to family of the patience inspires their [waalslwaan], and to compensates them benevolent.

[fhnyy'aaAA] to love then presented themselves cheap for the sake of not god except Allah, calculate them likewise and Allah their according to, so these militants of the heroes, all one from them calculates him the life qualified [Guraaabalhaaa], hit him you said:

[txaal] in him then [Haawrth] [blhaaAA] about himself and he adequate the rational persons and godly

The deviation in the right path sold, their matter family of the truthfulness and the loyalty want, so delivery of the donation for donation rose in became strong and be exalted, and the appraiser hand over to the eighth receive, [ffqhwaaaalms'alt] and ascertain that what at Allah welfare and remain, so the family say good-bye to and that relationship, sparkled repeat: In way Allah pass [nbtGy] raising of the brigade [flyqm] for debt glory and to be promoted blessing of the blood Repeat:

Not the pleasant amusement of we say broke the heads Not the difficult path of we say cheap our the breaths Indeed me say good-bye to these heroes in this verses: Bye-bye any her the your hero for losing [tdme'] the eyeballs Bekaa the land already [Hznt] for far your and complain [aalTll] So in the life met the other fulfilled be soft the hope Ask suggest doubt [aalmwlY] the magic fulfilled [nbthl] To befit you in joy in house what in her boredom In produce and gardens in her our gentlemen of the messengers In her [aal'aHbaab] altogether in her the rivers and the absolutions In her the marked contrast between white and black call us in roadsign what for him like

In her heroes killed in her [shhdaay'naa] first O God suggest doubt [EEtnaa] in the [fy] life good fulfilled [aaljlaal] the afterlife good and keep us sufferance the fire O God lac hand over us and in you safe and raise you be authorized and to you delegated and in you [xaaSmnaa] and to you ruler so forgive be soft what presented and what last our and what ['asrrnaa] and what announced you offered and you delayed not god except you nor around nor strength except in Allah O God [yaa] that magnificence [waal'ikraam] take in hearts youths the Islam and forelocks to the jihad in way O God tie on hearts jumped feet and reign threw them and thousand between hearts their O God lower bundle you on worshipers your the militants in all place O God vulva about brothers our the prisoners of war in jails the despots in all place their in jails America and Palestine fulfilled Baghdad and the gardens fulfilled Morocco and insisting fulfilled Afghanistan and the skewers fulfilled India and Pakistan indeed you on everything able O God vacuum on us were patient jump Our feet and christianize us on the people disbelieving and truimphant Allah on his order and to more the people are not know and prayed O God and peace on Mohammed reigned and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn] and other put us that praise be to God of many the scientists.

So wonder their of statement

Praise be to God and sufficed and the prayer and Al-Salam on represent him the Mustafa, as for after:

So this invitation not jihad say for in way of Allah so according to, yet say: Invitation for marked contrast between white and black and for jinns for jinns, and invitations this for who sat and bruises that the rules is with and contradicted himself in resemblance family of the novelties and [aalxwaalf]. To you [yaa] brothers this contradictions: For what prospective pharaoh call: To accumulate for me from the newborn old and new [waaHshrwhm] the recruiting sacrificed to, this way the news in reign was [TaaGwt] Iraq [aalre'dyd], mouth their answer was except hearing and obedience your of delegations of the money said and young and new, so the father sees prepares refuse him and the mother sees entrust refuse her, and their blessing from leads so delight cause him to the executioners in his hand, and if the son asked who did not understands after did not books on us deadly? Perceptive of the war? For who fight?

Came you the unable proofs from all hunchbacks and greenhouses from father about violated of the Sultan so his son says for: This duty nor the refusal so we in subjugation of the Sultan possess and wronged him .[wyqaad] this load [aalwdye'] to arenas of the wolves, and the family [waal'aHbaab] for sure the know that she arenas of wolves, yet products of sufferance. Perhaps the father the scientific foundation and rules of pushing of the corruptions and scabs of the services comes in, and the son persuades greedy that this duty (national) and) the defense about the dirt) from the sacred!! , and the last father the miserable sees not around have fun nor strength except the praying in Salama of the child from all abusing and the heralds [ly'n] reply of the children [lnSdqn] and to form from good.

From the mothers from calls [bw'ad] the children and not to children bestows in;Until the inevitable girl from the recruiting saves, and from them from [ybtGy] the money [waaljaah] and the degrees [aaldnY] in the life of the life. [wlmaasqT] pharaoh in pharaoh big and raiding our sons yellowish, and red than [e'jm] and Arabic and Berber, close claimer the yesterday about his situation and disguise oneself leave, truthful jump on his debt [waaSTbr]. Circle for recruiting searched about in way Al-Rahman so calling found from many [aalswaat] and the land} [aanfiruwaa] [xifaaafAAaa] [wathiqaaalaaAA] [wajaaahiduwaa] in your moneys and vent you in way Allah lowness your benevolent punch indeed were teach {

Strange!! Not replying except little and the oppression and the refusal of the refusal and fewness surprised in myself: Perhaps seated not punishment on him nor sin waits him so punishment of the rules from the males found to masters on him the turning and hypocrisy of inside hypocrisy sprinkled,} [raDuwaa] in to are with [aalxawaaalifi] and normalized on [quluwbihim] comprehending not [yafqahuwna] {, and blessing did not [yGz] and blame updates himself in the invasion branch from the hypocrisy died on.

Did not serious wage bones from the jihad in way deadly Allah and combat of the Jew [waalnSaarY] and blessing of income in tie them and and important}:Who believed [wahaaajaruwaa] [wajaaahaduwaa] in way of Allah in their moneys and valuable their great degree at Allah and those their [aalfaaay'izuwna] {hit me did not serious that father [aalsaame'] dutiful [llTaaGwt] disobedient [llh] except and lead the proof and the statement came in and revive us in the CIF and the ages on that deadly seduction and the preparing (did not completes) and the hearts did not (describes) and breath of the son his fathers asked: [yaa] refused when the preparing is and when [tzkw] the hearts and when [aalbaary] obey became strong and wander so the father answers:That the combat of hatred and he hated, and on us the patience until die you you the camels dies, to are [aal'abn] did not understands did not be necessary deadly in army [aalTaaGwt] and sanctuary in army Al-Rahman this [aalmlkwt]!!.

The contradiction second: Is crescent Ramadan so call [aalmu'dhn] and as land and the speaker screamed [wzmjr] {[yaaa] any her who believed wrote on you the fasting…} (183) violence of the cow

The people in month of the fasting sees fast: Dissolute their and secured their, yet until their polytheist and their disbeliever nor one says be soft:Did not [nthy'] for Ramadan [wSwmh], and blame one decreases did not [tzk] the hearts after…

So for what the jihad accept did not [nr] [aalmu'dhn] enlarges and what speaker in the people screamed our: } wrote on you the his combat and he of attacking punch [wae'asaY] that force something and he benevolent punch [wae'asaY] that like something and he evil punching and Allah knows and you not teach {. The people of teams became: Team inviter Allah and team of container travel on them the deviation failed and lost.

To are the militant what waited, transplant sword his and caper and binds the wires and dawn, and be acquitted from [aale'lwj] and in crucifixes their expiated, so the hypocrisy innocent from him and he innocent from the hypocrisy, secure them Allah on the religion straight, so he pilgrimage Allah rose on from falling behind and arrange, and bruise my in the sitting with the harem and the old women the caper, and be occupied in similar the statement about arbitrator the revelation and the brains and the instinct, so indeed repented losing put him suggest doubt him to the delegation in paradigms arbitrators blamed arranges, and indeed bundle so example his refuse [slwl] and as to all hypocritical dusty.

From said: Our houses of private part and left first, so wonder whereof Turks of the jinns and road walked in [sqr]. Wonder for who the unification claimed and did not crusader fights or deserted and did not [yth'ar] to virgin and age refuse.

So the wonder of all the wonder!!! The guide worshipped [aale'dnaany]

Praise be to God and the prayer and Al-Salam on messenger Allah Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him and from and except him. As for after: So to already was from Allah sharpened rose that the ages and the days her occurrences revolves in, and was from preferred him glory his and Hidayat his for his character that cut on them stories of the ancestors and between for they spike previous from benevolent family to their back walk and to example for they are, and between for they spike family of the bad and [maa] they prevent in to form from her on caution.

Was was from important that stories [maa] lowered in him wave me the skippers from panting pharaoh straightened and [maa] they prevent in of which picked him their hands. Truthfulness Allah rose then says: ((to already cuts of example for ancestors of the pulps was in their)) Yousef 111. That insisting pharaoh who statements and verb of verbs in his said language in him amount. Many son says have mercy him Allah: (gathering of pharaoh straightened him so call in them [mtbjHaaAA] [mftxraaAA] in owners insisting and his behavior in her ((isn't it for me insisting wealth and this rivers occur from corrode ['aflaa] see)) Any: ['aflaa] see what I in him from the bone and the owners. Moussa and his followers of weak needy means, and this as his statement tongue of pharaoh rose on: ((benevolent mother I from this who he outrageous nor be about to shows))The garnish: 52, the dams said have mercy him Allah rose: (any yet I benevolent from this who he outrageous) ..... Son said [jryr] have mercy him Allah rose: (means not King for him [wlaaslTaan] nor money nor be about to [yfSH] about his wounds… Until many son said: (and this this who said him pharaoh – cursing his Allah - lying and fabrication and grow loaded him thereon – the hamlet [waale'naad]- ..... Grow pharaoh of the circulation explore on cared him…. Said also: ((so had it not been for threw on him ['aaswiratUU] from gold or came with him [aalmalaaay'ikatu] [muqtariniyna]))The garnish: 53, any service encompass Moussa for him and his ratification witness in) many son of violence of the garnish.

Then gradual advance in his people so said for important what weave him the Quran about him: (([yaahaamaan] son for me declared to raise the reasons notified, reasons [aalsmwaat] so Moussa rise to god and indeed me [l'aDHnh] untrue)) Violence [Gaafr] 37,36.

Son said [tymyt] have mercy him Allah rose ((and Allah rose pharaoh reported about, that he requested to escalates to Moussa rises to god ..... The dressing explore on straightened him that he Moussa escalated to god)) Statement of dressing [aaljmhmyt] 1/526. Already [e'aath] pharaoh and his followers in my son Israel so obstructive until was the coffees slaughters [wystHyy] the women. Continued [TGyaan] pharaoh restrict him and peak of day reach his said you you reported wave me about him: ((I suggest doubt you high)), (([maae'lmt] unselfish punching from god)), and with all this pharaoh calls that he grow

The truth pronounces in and what the welfare for his wants except people said rose: ((pharaoh said what see you except what see and what guide you except way of the Rashad)) [Gaafr] 29.

How pharaoh dared on all this [yaa] sees?! Strange thereof and [aal'adhY] and the order how pharaoh in the people of call to prayer found [saame't] and responsive hearts?!.

Indeed Allah rose between reason be soft that all him his greens: ((so underestimated straightened him [f'aTaae'wh] indeed them people were dissolute)) The garnish 54. The underestimation the underestimation of male in him the Cordoban have mercy him Allah statements rose so said: (son said [aal'ae'raaby] the meaning: [faastjhl] straighten him ([f'aTaae'wh]) for lightness their of puberties and fewness their of brains. Dismisses: Underestimated him the joy, any:Disturbed him, and underestimated him any: Carried him on the ignorance. From him: (([wlaaystxfnk] who not ascertain)) [aalrwm]60. Said: Chief: [aastfzhm] in the statement [f'aTaae'wh] on the denial.

Chief of chief underestimated straightened him: Any: Their [e'qwl] grandfather pumice. This not indicates on that he be necessary that [yTye'wh] so not alternative from ['iDmaar] far his estimate: Their [e'qwl] seriousness pumice so put them to [aalGwaayt] [f'aTaae'wh].

Chief: Underestimated straightened him until [aatbe'wh]) Cordoban violence of the garnish. Said valuable son said have mercy him Allah rose: (dismisses for who obeyed from desires him that he underestimated him. Glory said his and rose: ((so are patient indeed promise Allah truth nor underestimate you who not ascertain))The Romen 60, so indeed light not secures yet [yTysh], and fixed befriend the certitude, dismisses: Ascertained, if was stable and the certitude he of stability of the faith in the turning of flag and did) the interests 212,211. Said many son said have mercy him Allah rose, in meaning of the paradigm: (any: Their brains underestimated and graded them from solver to solver until [Sdqwh] in put him [aalrbwbyt] – cursing his Allah [te'aalY]-) the beginning and the end 1/267.

Said Sheikh the Islam of son said [tymyt] have mercy him Allah rose: (so not releases (certain) except on from turning settled in his the knowledge and the work, and people of pharaoh did not hardheads of followers harbors their for what [e'rfwh] film harbors to brain love [wlaayqyn]) statement of dressing [aaljhmyt] 1/525. Yes for what pharaoh found in straightened him market widespread useful for his merchandize did not [yt'an] in revelation his of cerebrations aberrant invalid to returns in her followed and to the land rises in [bGyr] followed.

Planned implementation pharaoh already his in straightened him so found them dutiful humble and to are what humble their pharaoh, and slaughtering their of sons [waastHyaa] their women except in cursing their of guilt, so their well known sons Israel in killing of messengers Allah rose and their distortion for his books and their replacement for his bills so Allah empower rose on them from [yswmhm] abusing of the sufferance. Grow Allah that formation of the obedience explore for him and restricted him in observance his of messengers and arbitration his of books. Valuable son said have mercy him Allah: (so indeed Allah glory his the character created and the book lower to the obedience was formed for him and restricted him, and the polytheism and the caper contradict that, and for that sanctuary Allah Heaven on family of the polytheism and the caper, nor enters her from turning was in his [mthqaal] corn from caper) the traveler enough 100. These people who pharaoh were for [Taay'e'yn] and about obedience Allah abstainers rose describing already their Allah his greens rose: ((indeed them people were dissolute)) The garnish 54.

The Cordoban said have mercy him Allah: (any: Leaving about obedience Allah) Cordoban interpretation of violence of the garnish.

Said the Cordoban said have mercy him Allah: (and asset the Arabic [fsq] in speech connect: The exit about the object. Dismisses: Dissolute damp if peeling take out from her. From that poisonous the mouse ([fwysqt]) for her exit about her hole. So likewise the hypocrite and the disbeliever [sumyaa] immorals for their exit about obedience suggest doubt them. For that said be exalted mentioned him in characteristic Satan ((so [fsq] about order suggest doubt him)) Output about his obedience and observance his means of order) interpretation [aalTbry] 1/182. Said have mercy him other Allah in home from his interpretation: (so pharaoh of character underestimated from straightened him from [aalqbT] his greens who Allah reported rose about him that he said to love so kiss that from him [f'aTaae'wh] and peace be upon him lie Moussa; Not that them his people were about obedience of outside Allah for letting down ['iyaahm] and his printing on their hearts) interpretation [aalTbry] 25/84.

Already already retribution was these and their consequence of the dishonor in the life and the afterlife. That losing consequence which rosy their to her in front of them and their commander of pharaoh – cursing his Allah rose - you glory said Allah his: ((so order of pharaoh followed and [maa] pharaoh in Al-Rasheed pass presents straightened him Judgment Day so rosy their the fire and how evil the roses [aalmwrwd]…)) [hwd]98.97. Said Sheikh of the Islam

Have mercy him Allah: (so reported that he presents straightened him, and did not decreases markets them, and that he rosy their the fire, and known that the forward if mentioned the delayed of the fire he was first of returns her and except except did not comer harbors yet driving was) minutes of the interpretation 2/256.

To are to are [maa] caused this [aaldhlt] and this sufferance?! Indeed her [aalme'aaSy], indeed her the guilt, indeed him the debauchery. Said said be exalted and rose: ((so family pharaoh of abusing of the sufferance enclosed in, the fire expand on her [GdwaaAA] and eves and day the hour straightens family of pharaoh entered tough the sufferance)) [Gaafr] 46,45, and glory said his about family of pharaoh: ((and made them made them Imam the fire and day of the resurrection call to not christianize, and followed them in this their life curse and Judgment Day of the their resurrection from [aalmqbwHyn])) The cuts 42,41.

If was this situation of pharaoh and all from walked behind him and was from spread him, so likewise situation all [TaaGwt] on bitter the eras, and indeed differed ['asmaau'hm] and their photos changed. What what photo [aalTaaGwt] the expeditions [e'naa] in far, so to gradual advance in the people lead until informed in him [aalTGyaan] his amount and blame [ybq] something from invalid except and his verb, underestimation in the character who were [yzmirwn] for him and make dance, and he sons in the wars slaughters their and infancies in the siege kills their, and their welfares executes not to wanted: Except that them said (Allah suggest doubt) after they attaches in the untrue imitation devoured, until [e'aath] he and his border in the land so obstructive [ftraahm] [ysfkwn] the blood and wealths loot conceded and their moneys loot and the widths violate, and what came that [aae'tbaaTaaAA] and to are because of their verbs and their injustice; Understood who [aastbaaHwaa] wife Kuwaiti and their women and their moneys, illusion who stole weighed [wnaafqwaa] illusion did all that request for bruises [TaaGwthm] the expeditions ((and what what wronged them and to are they were oppressive)) Fulfilled eve clarified her accomplished Allah God in disappearance that

government, after ['adhaaqt] the people the destructions and lost on hands life and last their, and return Allah the date himself to becomes the people in [Gdhm] so see [TaaGwtaaAA] in last photo, and hit his him more clarity from previous his, losing erection the enemy the crucifixes [jhaaraaAA] day on chair (the government temporary) and if was the matter likewise so not inviter because hides this [aalTaaGwt] allegiance for disbelieving occupied and hostility for Islam and family under various the justifications and different the namings so initiate to the underestimation in the people and hurry dissolute the nation

light the brains and graduates the jails whereof killing and looting weight to are slipper paves in worry [aalTaaGwt] temporary from wants, and easy in worry his in [aalnjaasaat] and as to what discontents Allah and messenger his to realizes purposes ['asyaadh] cruciferous and the Jew, so these soldiers [y'atmrwn] in order the crucifix and fight under banner his Between hands his of armies. Indeed was those soldier from my son our lash lost their Islam pass through from you the arrow from the throw pass through, [wEEthrwaa] that row

stand in [aalTwaaGyt] against row family of the faith and the jihad. All that and allegations this [aalTaaGwt] and his promises [ttwaard] in investigation of the freedom and the security and the living [aalrGyd]. The wonder that there many from the easy people behind this slogans and defend her. Became easy on them what meet him will and what harvest him in [Gdhm] close on hands of the militants truthful and to knows these that their their tails and their debauchery of making taste all what tasted will and be [mEElhm] [kmEEl] soldier pharaoh of the damage in the life and other. So say for these and changed them not underestimate you pharaoh of the era and your rational person goes in, nor the money and the

positions be deceived in so indeed the land [llh] rose bequeaths her from his worshipers wants from. Uterus of valuable Allah son then says: (and people pharaoh straightened the money and the presidency be deceived in so their consequence became to what Allah cut on us, and this want him always with all from object be deceived in thereof to show to spoils him on him and loots him ['iyaah]) the showing 1/22.

To followers teaches [aalTwaaGyt] that someday close – in permission Allah rose - God in height of banner of the unification and cruciferous falling banners will accomplish and secular and stubborn her not one be new from these at America veil keeps him from sufferance Allah rose. The consequence [llmtqyn]. Allah prayed on represent us and represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him and peace. Salah the religion Al-Taiye

Praise be to God this magnificence [waal'ikraam] and the prayer and the peace on welfare [aal'anaam] represent us Mohammed and on his family and his befriends and following to charity to Judgment Day love in. After: Losing the informational machine of the enemy for Islam persevered and the disbelieving muslims on photography attack on the Islamic world on that he struggle of greed economic, his purpose of first the dominance on the suppliers

[Didaan] not meet, nor field for emergence of repairer between them, economic or commercial. That mere the satisfaction [e'naa] will not is [maadmnaa] on our religion, so [aalbaary] says be exalted and rose: ((and will not will not please about you the Jew nor [aalnSaarY] until pursuit financed them, decreased indeed right path Allah he the right path, [wly'n] their loves followed after who came you from the possessing knowledge from Allah from custodian nor helper)) The cow 120.

Allah Allah [fDH] rose what harbors him jogs Allah hatred and runner be soft from, until they connects in this to benevolent hatred fall on us from many the worlds so says suggest doubt his magnificence be exalted: ((what iodated who the believers nor the socializations disbelieved from to descends on you from welfare from suggest doubt you, and Allah his mercy specializes in from wants and Allah having the great favor)) The cow 105.

This this hatred and the spite who their on him not cure for him, you that he not meeting between the hamlet and the faith, ['aHbbnaahm] or hated them [faalntyjyt] whether in the ratio to love so Allah rose says: (her you ['awlaa'] like them nor like you and the book guarantee in and if [lqwkm] security said and if emptying preach [e'lymn] [aal'anaaml] the field decreased [mwtwaa] in your knowledgeable field indeed Allah in self of the chest) family of ages 119. Says rose (indeed [tmsskm] good [tsu'hm] and indeed pours you sin rejoice in her and indeed are patient [wttqwaa] not damages you be about to them something indeed Allah in what surroundings work) family of ages 120.

Yet indeed the spite and the handcuff and the envy of food their of chest until parties separated, all class be varied in despotic reply conceded about their debt [w'iDlaalhm] about straight path Allah, so wandering from them Allah says rose about her: ((party from the believers liked if stray you and what stray except themselves and what feel)) Family of ages 69.

Says glory says his: ((pain [tr] to who [aawtwaa] share from the book the deviation buy and want that the way stray, and Allah know [b'ae'daay'km] and custodian sufficed in Allah and helper sufficed in Allah)) The women 45,44. Wandering class their of blessing Allah says rose about her: ((and class from the believers said believed in who descend on who face of the day believed and his other expiate [le'lhm] return)) Family of ages 72.

After after this all him is any reasonable muslim stays at lower doubtfulness from that enmity disbelieving from the believers and the socializations be soft upright enmity on assets and beliefs not except ingrained.

As for as for [aalshq] second of the answer so the measurement and the sight for orders depends on brain not footsteps. So suffices us the measuring in this question on basis of concepts of the market and the economy and head of the money. Yearling our one explore to commercial projects originates returns on him in the plentiful profit, so indeed on him firstly and before everything insurance of justified place and his safe conversion to place not loses [yh] the moneys.

In easy accounts in accounts of plateau that strength of the hamlet Islamic cross-eye the world already to [bu'r] struggle and deadly, nor presence for security and the stability in her, yet he distanced what is about her. See that this strength came in all [maa] the area possesses to to drums of the war knocks, so intervention that violent area in war.

So is from the commerce and the profit wants the fire to his commerce and source comes in bestowed him?? To other example take not to and he Iraq:

So well known Iraq country that he the first substances from all the kinds be full in, and with that so strength of the hamlet entering persevered on this country in war the war twist and in tall siege, and now direct occupation, and the Iraqi governments portrayed consecutive and especially government Saddam on that she governments tough the runner to the national hamlet on basis internationalized.

To are to easy reviewer for politics are in [aalaaqtSdyt] for this successive governments Iraqi of second plateau that Iraq big source for oil for America after Saudi Arabia, and his wealth from the substances first mortgaged in hand disbelieving, until dared and Iraq lose politics the White House from the Jew of decay of the huge moneys in the bragging in the statement that petroleum [xzyn] strategic important for America.

From this justified inquiry propose: [maalGaayt] permission from all this wars and the struggles? Certitude will not plateau apart from answer one persuasive, not to and she: Indeed war disbelieving on the muslims war not except religious ideological, her purpose of first the judiciary on the Islam and the muslims, and that this struggle struggle of concepts and beliefs want him the extended struggle across the time between custodians of Al-Rahman and custodians of the devil want. So the disbelieving mentality which fought speech that the money and the following economy and certain Nasser for belief insure in, and that ideological investigation victory financial investigation victory grants and economic and the reverse not.

If if our pursuit statements of heads of the hamlet [wmnDry] their politics upholstered that more than ten chief from chiefs double America guarantee in definite the struggle with the Islam, and to the scientist battle will end in great between strength benevolent and the representing truth [baalnSaarY] and the your Jew call, and in yen strength of the evil and invalid representing in conceded on border their of allegation. Brand this battle ([hrmjdwn]). Their blessing on way of the [haalk] example President evaded, who was says and confirms on that this generation and means wandered him he battle wandered [hrmjdwn].

As for Bush the father of day war announced about (liberation Kuwait) his accounts was in that she offered for your hill of the battle. This this Bush the son announces her direct clear from that the war on the terrorism she war of new crusader in leadership America, to secures that he needy descendant of religious her of jog first he the Islam, then that he from the high favor that the grandfather for Bush of the son and he ([wwkrbwsh]) Protestant man religion of strict was, describes conceded in the insects which the removal be necessary from her, and this [klntwn] famous President previous [bfjwrh] the watercress says in the one that the war o

n Iraq of she war religious and ideological. Yet that the Protestant church which belongs to her most the American people ingrained faiths guarantee that reason their prosperity of he caused accepted the many about them for that them Israel helped and that the many Issa Bin Mariam Allah rose about what big heights say, will not land descends for except in presence of land or state defects the scientist of thousand year masters from her from other than rival, and this state in the printing in their sight (Israel).

After after this all him is bugs doubtfulness at wise about reason of hostility disbelieving for muslims and about reason [aantfaaqhm] all this big moneys on invasion of land Muslim and her burn in furnace of war not remained nor [tdhr]. Definitely what Allah reported his book rose in then says: ((indeed who expiated their moneys spend to Allah repel about way will so spend her then formation on them regret then win)) [aal'anfaal] 36.

[fyaa] nation of the Islam when [tstfyqy] from blank your, and when straighten from [rqaadk] tall, as for time of lac that [te'y] truth what weaves against you, indeed insured not hole stings from twice, so if daughter-in-law already [ludGt] in previous and the destructions your gulped of verbs that your determination redeem and returns me [aalSaae'] [Saae'yn] to old retaliation take in your.

Last put us that praise be to God of many the worlds. Allah prayed on represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him Maneuvered the Kurdish religion

Said [sfyaan] the bulls: If indifferents of the Abd in the life vegetarian Allah the his wisdom in turning and released in her for San his and his vision blemishes of the life and her disease and her medicine. Ornament of the custodians 6/389.

Not to in the seduction fell Praise be to God who raise spoke him and soldier and defeating of the parties become strong his and restricted him, and the prayer and Al-Salam on from his expedition Allah [lyDHhrh] on the religion all him, and in acne:

For [maa] messenger of Muslim Allah for combat mourned Roman in invasion Tabuk so indeed generous hearts his befriends of response [lndaay'h] before responds for him their bodies, and taking all one from them get ready for this important difficult which did not her methyls see before, losing arena of the battle were which sing her far very, and as to the time then tough time free, favor about fewness of the belonging and pilgrim for money; Therefore the order was difficult on the muslims

To Allah are Companions of the Prophet Mohammed Ridwane on them what they was for that Allah fall behind about messenger nor desire in puerperal their about himself, losing beauty of full moon tasted, and bitterness of one, and shaking of the trench.

Nevertheless there disease chronic was Medina energizes in, particularly in time of the ordeal and the pull that he disease the hypocrisy. So the polytheism in Allah from worship [aal'awthaan] and change her did not promises [ylq] suitable places for him in the city, especially after triumph conceded in full moon so despair of the devil from his attempts in repelling of the people about the Islam

Except that he the hypocrisy of entrance to some the hearts found in sick and the brains weak which did not the faith stabilizes in her, so work in her the devil worked him, and obtained from that hearts what obtained. Hypocritical disappointing in leadership of son lost refused [slwl] Muslim in one, and third of the army returned in my, and blame tie thereby yet kept on blame conceded the militants after broke in that battle and ample in them the killing and the wounds.

Then invasion of the trench came, and the hypocrisy and the hypocrites their obtained of share from [aaltxdhyl] and the escape [waal'irjaaf]. The generous Quran was in each time muslims discovers for stashes those hypocrites and [maa] speaking were their in him themselves from the hypocrisy and the falling behind about messenger Allah

Except the hypocrisy appeared headed him and his cuspids grinned about and rose voted him in invasion Tabuk and that - you lend us - for [maa] the muslims passed in in this invasion from the ordeal [waal'ibtlaa'] so glory explore Allah his that [ymHS] his insured worshipers in this ordeal and to exposes hypocritical who for as long as [EEdhwaa] messenger Allah e and insured in their wounds.

Violence of the repentance came to itemizes solver be soft those hypocrites in this invasion and paradigms about number of photos of the hypocrisy spoke her which the invasion endorsed before and after her.

Spoke that violence about one who [EEthrwaa] the falling behind about messenger Allah e and accepted that are with [aalxwaalf] from the women and the boys, not to end the jihad denies or refuses him you he apparent, and grow proof justifies in other ironing sitting justifies his [wnkwlh] about deadly and opposite the jogs.

So said rose about that man ((and from them from says ['ay'dhn] for me nor fascinate, not to in the seduction fell and indeed [jhnm] for surrounding in disbelieving)) The repentance 49, descent this paradigm in the grandfather Bin Qais for what Allah invaded messenger e Tabuk said for him: [yaa] seriousness: Is lac in executioner my son the yellow their blessing takes [aalsraary] [waalwSfaa']? So seriousness said: ['ay'dhn] for me in the sitting about you custom of people lost that I damage in the women and indeed me fear indeed girls saw yellowish that not are patient about them so descending Allah rose this paradigm.

Meaning say him (not fascinate): Any not fascinate [bSbaaHt] their faces nor demonstrate me for seduction - as mentioned family of the interpretation. The grandfather Bin Qais this was well known in the greed and the cowardice so did not Allah be impossible for messenger e that he coward and fears deadly, and grow last proof of ironing found the Salama for his requests self nor jihad goes for in way Allah.

Said rose ((not to in the seduction fell…)) (not to) this opening of the speech for confirmation uses in and the stimulation, so actualization indicates on what after her) singer [aallbyb]1/95 His statement (in the seduction fell.) Any in [aal'athm] and the sin signed and she the hypocrisy and the falling behind about messenger Allah e. Cordoban interpretation 8/59.

Said [qtaadt]: [maa] fell in him from the his seduction for falling behind about messenger Allah e and the desire himself bones, so the seduction which escaped from her in his allegation she seduction of lover of the women and lack his of patience about them. The seduction which signed in her she seduction the polytheism and the hamlet in the life and the sufferance in the afterlife). ['aGaatht] [aallhfaan] 2/158, 159

So contemplation. What family to him prevented this man, for [maa] underage eye looked in his, and did not eye of the foresight looks in, [fEEthr] the Salama for his self on the victory for his religion, and his amusements respond and blame [ystjb] blame wants him Allah [wyrDaah] from ['ie'zaaz] this debt and the torture in jogs of the Islam [waalmslmyn].[qaal] Sheikh the Islam of son [tymyt] have mercy him Allah: (breath ['ie'raaDh] about the essential jihad [wnkwlh] about him and multiple his of faith and satisfactory turning his who decorated for him the great jihad seduction left rubbish already in her so how the small removal from seduction requests did not pours him in his great fall in seduction hit him and Allah says: (and lethal their until not formation of seduction and the debt forms all him [llh]) so deadly blessing Turks who Allah pass in him [ly'laa] falling formation of seduction so he in the seduction in what dropping in him from his doubt of turning and satisfactory Fouad his and his Turks [maa] Allah pass in him from the jihad so arranges this so indeed this dangerous denominator) the collected 28/167

This many situation whereof the jihad fall behind about in this today, so indeed us [nraahm] weak proofs be impossible in not footsteps nor brain be true show, except to pay about themselves indictment of the falling behind about the jihad in way Allah.

* so from saying: Indeed the time now time of jihad and combat not, and he grow invitation and discipline for breaths kept.

* and from saying: That the strength other than equivalent with the enemies, and that not use from destroying the selves and suits of the moneys. * and last team wants to strives and but he sees that the militants today decreases them the experience in the combat, and that them did not the fiducial preparing of the demand for jihad complete, and that them many errors sign in, therefore the jihad be impossible with them, and that the militants today separate, and that their intentions not pure [llh] became strong and wander. Indeed this excuses and changed her she - and Allah teach - from type of the excuse who said him the seriousness Bin Qais for messenger Allah e, and to differed portrayed him and prepared him, so these did not observe to what wants him Allah rose from them in this

The time, and grow observed to what [thwaah] themselves from love of the life and deadly hatred in way Allah rose [fHkkmwaa] their opinions and their loves on followed and blame master followed on themselves Sheikh of the Islam said: (and this many situation from the religious, leave what be necessary on them from matter and prohibiting and jihad - is in him the debt [llh] - and formation in him word of high Allah she, [ly'laa] type of the appetites fascinate in) the rightness 2/290.

So the Abd on him to Allah looks to intention from him not to the Abd to his intention so according to observes said rose ((books on you the combat and he punching hated [we'sY] that force something and he benevolent punch, [we'sY] that like something and he evil punching and Allah knows and you not know))The cow 216.

Know have mercy you Allah that in the jihad of slavery not compensates her any slavery level off him, and that all obedience grow benefiting returns her on you, except obedience of the jihad so indeed benefiting her year of lac [wlGyrk], Sheikh of the Islam said: (so indeed general benefiting the jihad for his subject [wlGyrh] in the debt and the life, and including on all inside kinds the worships [waalDHaahrh], so indeed him including from lover Allah rose and the loyalty and the dependence on him and delivery of the self and the money for him, and the patience and the indifferents and male of Allah and walking of kinds of the works, on what not includes on him last work, and upright in him from the person and the nation between one of [aalHsnyyn] always, either the victory and the fingernail and either the testimony and the paradise… So death of the martyr ['aysrmn] all dead, and she generous dead) the politics legitimate 104.

So contemplation any her the wise: Any them self-seeking lac in your life and last your? So this door of the jihad opening of lac already and came to you, and he from doors Heaven the eight so not hesitates in opened him, nor scrutinizing to the fatigue and the erection in him, and similar to what explains to him prevented you after the jihad in way Allah. [e'jbt] to love said: The Muna continued in the methyls fulfilled high fulfilled [aalmrtqY] difficult

So short and not not your reed strives grow love in ground will seed not in the fertility So fewness for they of slowness so what the despair [shymty] grains and the fruits will waste from the many If I in language the message strove and did not serious the replying hearing so what guilt?

So similar any her the big muslim to the favor and the great wage who waits you in the jihad, nor scrutinizing to the jihad in eye of the discontent, and similar in eye of the foresight and the fairness. So the militant not impeccable from [aalzll] and wrong and the blemishes not to does so mistake, and to the blemishes are to you to be crippled and sees change you works so hold accountable him.

So warn that formation with who seduction of the hypocrisy and the falling behind about the jihad and antiquity fell in yourself cheap in way the one [aalqhhaar] [e'sY] to kisses you Allah rose and crams you with the prophets and the friends and the martyrs and good and feel those companion. O God top flag of the jihad, and family of the evil and the aberrance and the hamlet and the stubborness restrain. Last put us that praise be to God of many the scientists, and Allah on our messenger of the highborn prayed and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn].

Having [aalnwn] connective

From son [tymyt] to his mother [bsm] [aallh] [aalrHmn] [aalrHym]

From Ahmed Bin [tymyt] to the father happy Allah avowed assign her in his blessings and are completed on her abundant honor him and making her from welfares ['imaay'h] and his servants of peace Allah on you and his transient mercy of Allah and Barakat praise to you Allah who not god except he and he for Hamad family and he on able everything and ask him to ring of the prophets and Imam prays on [aalmtqyn] Mohammed Abd his and his messenger Allah prayed on him and on his family and peace of delivery

Books to you about him blessings from Allah great [wmnn] generous [wEElaa'] bulky thank Allah on her and ask him extra from prefer him and yes Allah whenever came in growth and addition and hands became clear about the and know that established our the hour in this cities grow he for matters necessary when neglected her decayed on us pass the religion and the life and to sharpen and enumeration Allah chosen for far about you even though loaded us the birds to walked to you and to are absent excuse with him and you if informed on interior the matters so indeed you [wllh] the Hamad what choose the hour except that and his blame resolve on established and the settling month one yet every day

[nstxyr] Allah be soft and to quantize and claim be soft in benevolent so ask Allah great to chooses be soft and to quantize and for conceded what in him benevolent in welfare and health and with this losing opened Allah from doors benevolent and the mercy [waalhdaayt] and the pool [maalm] harbors notifies In worn nor revolves in the horseman and we in all time worried in the trip

[mstxyrwn] Allah glory his and rise so not thinks [aalDHaan] I influence on near you something from matters the life cat yet nor influence from matters the religion what is near you likely than him and to are then appraizes orders big fear the appraize harm special and general from negligence her and [shaahd] sees money sees absent and requested abundance the praying in benevolent so indeed Allah teaches [wlaane'lm] and nor and he perceptive [aalGywb] and lead said

[aalnby]r from happiness son Adam [aastxaarth] Allah and bruises in what swears Allah for his him and blessing [shqaawt] son Adam Turks [aastxaarth] Allah and discontent in what swears Allah for him and the his tradesman is traveller so fears loss some financed him so needs indeed evaluates until fulfills him and what we in him pass be exalted about the description nor around nor strength

except in Allah and the peace on you His mercy Allah and Barakat of many plenty and on walking from in alpine from the growns-up and the lowliness and walking of the limes and the family and the befriends one one and the praising [llh] many the scientists and prayed Allah on Mohammed and his family and his befriends and peace of delivery

The praising Allah many the worlds and the prayer and Al-Salam on ring of the prophets Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn] and in acne: So that of which try in him the muslims in our time this their fall in plenty from residue of the pre-Islamic times, that pre-Islamic times which fought her messenger Allah r he and his befriends generous, to the people from the darknesses to the light take out.

So despite from pull of the war which announced her messenger Allah r on the traps and the socializations, and what his suits of peace be upon him in rescue of the people from everything apart from Allah of glory rose, except indeed the people after elapsed knew him r took something so something the pre-Islamic times return to first to return once again the darkness and the straying who were on him before.

Did not harbors that returning [waal'artdaad] in his first photo perfectly, comprehending did not worship [aallaat] and the glory and put to sleep decorated to the devil of gods love last so hang in her thought from them that she trap not.

Of which the devil for people decorated and the plenty their fall of blessing in [shraakh] he the attachment [baaltmaay'm]. [aaltmaay'm]: She gathered [tmymt], and she everything loads or the body to bringing of the benefiting or pushing get stuck on [aalDr]. [faaltmaay'm] ocular something benevolent reason for collection or pushing of the bad makes as just as the children from the beads hangs on and great to pushing of the eye and other than that.

This [aaltmaay'm] arrive her taken from the bills, and he [aaltbrk] in the legitimate reasons as the Quran [waalaade'yt] legitimate mentioned from the book and the age. To are ['anHrft] this intentions so reasons took other than legitimacy [lltbrk] and stridulous the substitutes from ['axtraae'aat] the people [wwsaaws] the devil as the beads and the seventh of eyes and the strings which rise stubborn our in (the screen) or (the gum) and change her.

So as for the beads and what resembled her so she all her polytheism in Allah not her status be possible nor carried her important Kent the proofs from that that strings of methyls from grave of the custodian [aalflaany], and indeed in her the blessing and the conserving and what to that from kinds of the resemblance which finds her the devil.

As for if the commentator was from [aaltmaay'm] which in her from the Quran and names Allah his prescriptions, so be possible him some Companions of the Prophet Mohammed and divide them did not be possible him and makes him from the prohibited about him from them Abdullah Bin Massoud bruises Allah about him.

Reason the prohibiting of he that that [aaltmaay'm] the tough attachment perform to in her, so attachment of the mankinds leaves follow her not to Allah glory his and perhaps attachment of the mankinds performed in this [aaltmaay'm] to opening of pulps in front of everything thinks in him the benefiting, so afflicts me that to the traps in Allah.

So first in like this case - and Allah teach - to the attachment leaves [baaltmaay'm] which name of Allah and his paradigms and lowness from door dam of the means loads your.

Here here to show that flag that [aaltmaay'm] reasons spread for several from her:

1. Benevolent need of the people for scabs and pushing of the bad in any legitimate method or [bde'yt].

2. Indeed her easy the circulating between the people, so not be about to [yxlw] house from [tmymt].

3. Indeed in her religious suspicion, as her occurrence for blessing from the custodians of replicates.

4. Multiple attachment of the people in many the slave and weakness of the certitude in him glory his.

5. Indeed her touched matters ocular, and the attachment in the absence is weakened.

6. Indeed have fun [de'aat] as upright on service [aal'awthaan] and tradesmen of the markets.

All this reasons congregated to source for spread was formed [aaltmaay'm] between the people.

Here here to the signal until extraction show from [aaltmaay'm] from the people of order not in easy, so her abundance of spreading as to, and attachment hearts of the people in her on the other side and many things the salvation makes from this [aaltmaay'm] difficult matters if did not interferes [aalhdaayt] rabbinic in this order, and for this the removal need in from her to matters:

1. Statement her of multiple and lack her of legitimacy.

2. Legitimate creation the substitutes and strength of the certitude in Allah the one.

Here here defecating of accountability [aalde'aat] and informed, nor limits this important on the speakers [waalwe'aaDH] only, so eat us official about cared him.

So from saw from you repudiated or railroad on him with no legitimate excuse the principal from the sin was as.

So to show that is there revolution on [aaltmaay'm] so not muslim stays except and reachs this order blamed sees stubborn his this [aaltmaay'm]. The inviter of the inviter be necessary that companion in notification is this matter, in such a manner that not underestimates direct in her, yet weakness and her need as remainder of the creatures shows her, so she not raising of the harm can about himself so how about changed her.

You that this verb did not does him Imam and we the Imam imitate in, so how their orders contradict.

From last side be necessary to raise and strengthen and confidence of the people in many the slave as the dependence consolidate on him and the hope and the fear from him. This definitely time for education of the people needs to thereon. Here here process occurred in one of houses conceded, so this family divided to father socialization, and children unified, and was the father goes to the Imam so takes [aaltmaay'm] and get stuck her in alpine, and after to conceals the father about alpine straightens the children in [nze'] this [aaltmaay'm] and as umbilical cord her or burnt her, so comes the father so not be new [aaltmaay'm] [lytbrk] in her, so get excited anger on children his so say for him indeed Kent ([tushwir]) any that she damages and benefits will so show the robber have fun,

and in acne attempts several from the father for purchase [aaltmaay'm] and taking her before [aal'awlaadqaal] the father elderberry spontaneous and the instinct:The gum (any the string who get stuck) who [maaydaafe'] about himself what reports. Any [aaltmymt] which not can to the harm returns about himself not be possible to returns him about change her indeed was needy to her.

Permission so the commander in the favor and prohibitive about repudiated not alternative that is: (jurist while orders him jurist while ends about him, companion while orders him companion while ends about him, patient while orders him patient while ends about him.

So fabricate him before the matter to the favor knows and denies repudiated, and the gentleness at the matter to inserts close the intentional knock to collection, and the puberty after the order to harm the ordered of the prohibited is patient on. So indeed him many what collects for him the harm thereby) collected of the legal opinions 15/167.

From the misfortunes which tried in her the Islamic nation of entering [aaltmaay'm] to houses unified, ignorance from them her wisdoms not in and to are to her forms vary, film pay attention to have fun to end appeared to shackles of other love in acceptable and perhaps beautiful, as the beads small who puts [kqlaadt] in neck of the infancies modern the birth, muds of the wrist, and as to that to envious pushing about the infancy.

Likewise likewise our attachment [baaltmaay'm] modern which the personal identities spread as which the person in our was country [laaystTye'] to walks except and loads her, so the attachment become in her big.

Maybe maybe formation [aaltmymt] someone for him photo [ytbrk] in her, so the principle one and he that attachment the heart in the reason and many the worlds not in.

At last at last be possible to last word of she the Faisal say in this spiky case and she indeed all reason in the reliant on universe on changed him from the reasons so not makes hangs you in who hangs [bGyrh], and to are make hangs you in delicious my not needs to change him. Sheikh of the Islam said have mercy him Allah: (and consequently consequently party from the worlds the turning around to the reasons of polytheism in the unification said…) Collected of the legal opinions 10/35, so if the attachment and the turning around to the reasons was which use the street of trap allowed her, so how in the attachment in the reasons which did not begins her Allah rose and grow took her the people of slander on Allah became strong and be exalted.

O God ['inaa] [ne'wdh] your bey that spreading of bey something know him and ask for forgiveness you from the tail who not teach him. Prayed Allah prayed on represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him and peace. Abu [slmY] first

[nwaaqD] the Islam… Mohammed said Sheikh of the Islam Bin Abdul Wahab have mercy him Allah rose:

Teach that [nwaaqD] the Islam ten:

First: The polytheism in worship Allah rose, Allah said rose: {indeed Allah not forgives to make a partner in him and forgives what without that for who wants} and said: {indeed him from Allah make a partner in Allah losing of ritual consecration on him Heaven gestured him the fire and what for oppressive from helpers} and from him the slaughtering to Allah changed, as who slaughters to adhering or for grave.

Second: From making between him and between Allah means calls them and asks them the mediation and be authorized on them, hamlet of unanimity. Third: From did not the polytheist or doubtfulness in their expiates hamlet or their ideology corrected.

Fourth: From believed that other than right path the prophet of complete peace be upon him than his right path, or that governing changed him governing improve from his - as who governing prefers [aalTwaaGyt] on governing his - so he disbeliever.

Fifth: From abominable something of which came in him the messenger of peace be upon him even though work in him, hamlet.

Sixth: From [aasthz'a] in object from religion of the messenger of peace be upon him or his reward or his punishment, and the proof say him rose: {[wly'n] will devour to say shelter grow wade and play decreased ['abaallh] and his paradigms and his messenger were [tsthz'wn] * not apologize your faith expiated after}. Seventh: The magic, and from him the dismissal and the compassion, so from his verb or bruises in him disbelieved, and the proof say him raise: {and what their in predatory in him from one except in ear Allah and learn what damages them nor benefits them}.

Eighth: Riot of the polytheist and their assistant on the muslims, and the proof say him rose: {and from [ytwlhm] from you so indeed him from them indeed Allah not the people guides oppressive}.

Ninth: From believed that some the people [yse'h] the exit about law Mohammed peace be upon him, you widened [aalxDraalxrwj] about law Moussa peace be upon him, so he disbeliever.

Tenth: [aal'ie'raaD] about debt Allah rose, not learns him nor does in him, and the proof say him rose: {and from wrong whereof male in paradigm suggest doubt him then expand about her ['inaa] from the criminals of avengers}.

Nor teams in all this between [aalhaazl] and serious and afraid except the disliked, and eat her from bones what is dangerous and many what fall is, so be necessary for conceded to warns her and fears from her on himself, [ne'wdh] in Allah from positive his anger and painful his punishment.

[llh] bottom [yaa] Shami

[bsm] [aallh] [aalrHmn] [aalrHym]

Praise be to God who the testimony in his way of easy road in his blossom of the militants made and landmark of the walking and the prayer and Al-Salam be rightly guided in his on represent us Mohammed and on his family and accompanied him and peace of deliveries many and after:

When raising knowledge of the jihad in Iraq and the caller call: Live on the jinns complied with truthful the rescuers from all hunchbacks and greenhouses, and superior their call in of sounds: Your pulps O God jihad and testimony in your way so declined [jmwe'] the militants to land AlRafidayn, the money and the souls exert and countries the joys where the jinns of the poplar of the salts race to, and stubborn that screamed [aalnaae'qwn], and shiver hypocritical saying blamed emigrated to strives:

Perceptive take out? Said: For that I Free heard hurts free

Reputation [nwH] conceded seal Ironing report them in the self and the ages Tear of orphan saw cry on

Lost [aal'aHbt] under all ruin Saw as for be obligatory and small her

In burnt tent in the fire Saw [thklY] so become hungry in new her

Rag of missiles already his [aalGdaar] Sheikh saw convexity already endorsed him Promoted [aal'akf] for one [qhhaar]

Cried when saw afraid infancies His heel bleed to hurt in escape

The all asks is sees from straightened Youthful heats of taker [baalthaar]

Other than far about land Iraq the militants from all place of calling complied with Al-Rahman Al-Jazeera and Al-Sham so delight her minced of livers, and welfares her of men so Iraq came to land to flag of the unification and the jihad promote, and from these men black, lion Al-Sham and AlRafidayn the world the militant of Sheikh of Shami Abu mankind have mercy him Allah.

His name week built Yousef, child {Shami Abu mankind} in area of general Al-Salmiya the Kuwaiti 1968 [m], and he Palestinian the asset. Childhood in side his of fathers his lived his of obliqueness and deliver him since smoothness his of fingernails on Arabic love the language, disassemblies of spokesman [baalfSHY] since that reached fourth ten from build him, and as to the accent forces slang nor jokes except [baalfSHY].

Kent originated him in houses Allah rose, so his attachment of turning in the mosques, and generous conserving the Quran in fifth ten from built him, and after general end secondary of direction for zealous student the legitimacy in comprehensive Islamic in Arabian peninsula, the prophetic city [aalmnwrt], your weakness Sheikh of the jihad congregated to and be convinced [bEEraay'hm] and be encouraged have fun.

Conserving a lot of the books [waalmtwn] and the narratives of the narratives until one of his said of pupils: Indeed father of mankind was keeps a lot of books Sheikh of the Islam of son [tymyt] have mercy him Allah.

General beginning summer fulfilled 1990 [m]-['ay] before the invasion (the expeditions) [llkwyt] - Afghanistan in befriends his traveled to of colleague in comprehensive fathers gallant Palestinian and camp of the Farouq for practice stayed in military about three months, and excelled defects usage of the light weapons excelled her and opposite flying and industrialization explosive.

Then the vow on lack of use performed what teach him against the muslims and that after [mbaaye't] prince of the camp on the hearing and the obedience in activating and the disliked. Returned afterwards and converted live his and change prevented him so became the jihad in all council bring good news in sits him, and carefulness on request of the knowledge and the invitation increased his to him.

General summer fulfilled 1991 [m] marriage of Palestinian Abu mankind from girl and as to her family Saudi Arabia live in, so husband in Jordan lived with her and worries settle in [aaltrHaal] in district (the sending)

In area [SwylH] Jordanian where work Sheikh of Imam in mosque (wanted) in his self insist.

Mankind bestowed Abu in born his first year 1993 [m] and graze her auspicious then livelihood afterwards in manner of three years in his son forget then after him in years came refuse him possessing.

Mankind of Jordan to Saudi Arabia left Abu times several for meeting the Sheikh and the scientists and substraction of some the questions on them and their discussion in matters Kent make sleepless him many from her the American presence in island Arabic which deprived on other than the muslims of the living in her or settling her, so how the Scott about her be possible extortion?

Excellent dialogists was, the strong proof possesses, and the sedate deductions helps him at that capacity his of briefing and speed his of summons for proof. Shami Abu mankind in legitimate teaching the knowledges in his mosque and opening of three centers to drill of the generous Quran strove and fabricate him and refine him. Active in the invitation and effect in his big substraction number from the youths.

Calm personality excelled in his, and created him the highborn and his flexibility in dialogist opposite.

Mankind of Jordan to Bosnia and the Herzegovina for teaching left Abu and the invitation and bugs there year and half then returned to teacher and aquarium works and [waae'DHaaAA] volunteer in center of the Imam of the steam who establishment in the capital contributed in his Jordanian.

After occurrences 11[sbtmr] Sheikh of the exit to land of the jihad in Afghanistan explore hit him did not manages thereof so custom that his duty of the lawsuit became big very, so taking the people on the going to Afghanistan stimulates and Allah incites on the jihad in way.

Fulfilled year 2003 [m] was complete detention his for advertisement his in rows students his and followers his that the regime ruling in Jordan around the cities to barracks military American [y'atmr] in order her and ends in Noha her, and to the war coming not against the Iraqi regime and grow against the Islam, and lowness your during the readinesses American to waging the war on Iraq, and as to calls the people to necessity opposite the direction governmental in support American and the direction to Iraq to supporting the jihad there afterwards was complete release of his to returns renewed to incitement students his and followers his on the jihad against occupied American in Iraq.

After that hair that he performed what on him from loyalty the notification direction to Iraq after spread news intention his the trip to Saudi Arabia for work and that after accustomed him from accomplishment [mnaask] the Umrah in month September from year 2003 [m] so try in all method the incomes to Iraq and what Turks door from the doors which reach him to there except and roads his until lefts Allah for him that, fulfilled land the successors met in the Sheikh fathers [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy] and for San solver refused mankind Shami when connection to land the jihad says:

Memory of the testimony and the battles agitated Eagerness to house of the remaining immortality Roar lion of Allah in the arenas how much Shows approach me for jihad openly [yaa] [lhf] myself in serious so sleeve in her From regret in the past from current So for period of debt Allah sold [rGaay'by]

Bought in her the jinns high Mankind his errand of the jihads started Abu from today first farewell disassemblies soldiers dutiful and mufti for militants. Was leads himself a lot of the battles against forces of the crucifix and Kent for him many situations and championships, from her what weave him his companion of Shami Abu sword where said:

Mankind with number of the militants for beating take out Abu one of [aalsyTraat] [fDrbwhaa] and walked little and other dominance surprised in [fDrbwhaa] then other dominance and other until hit six [syTraat] and what returned until their supply executed.

Sheikh was have mercy him Allah example in the obedience nor his prince disobeys and collector areas of Iraq for invitation already and the advising and the fixation of the fixation and the practice.

Occurrences of Fallujah fulfilled was the mosques call in: [yaa] live family Fallujah on the live jihad on the jihad and as to the people stimulates and mentions them and desires them

In the marked contrast between white and black of the eye so taking of the people the moving jihad disassemblies for youths race to. [llh] bottom did not [t'ans] bodily our Did not spectrum of the falsity rejoices behind let down us Did not forehead wounds [aale'z] common

[tsmTr] the lowness of listening and broadcast us Was brands me battle of Fallujah in battle of the parties and was the people in biography of the prophet reminds on him prayer and Al-Salam and when any place goes to was increases from the praying

The iron commander age narrates have mercy him Allah rose that them in other days of the battle in area Jubail their supply executed so the matter to fathers of mankind suspected so said for him accumulate for me the brotherhood so when mankind congregated taking Abu calls raising his hands:

{[yaa] many the matter pass you and wail slave your, came out for victory debt your and taking our in the reasons film [ybq] except bundle you, and blame [ybq] except periods your, O God this lowness our apparent between hands your and situation our not hides on you so descending on us bundle you jumped feet our and christianize us on the people disbelieving) and taking fixs us and reminds us in promise Allah in the victory mouth stayed tall except and lead announced America withdrawal her from Fallujah pulls tails the failure and the damage. [yaa] self lived me in the life ['abyt]

Or so to die in disbelieving jihad All [aalshdaay'd] indeed incrementation fell her The salvation from the god came God So the lefts not comes substitute cheerfulness Hit him substitute eternity [me'aasr]

After termination battle Fallujah continued Sheikh in jihad his and invitation his so taking knows the militants and raises them and issue issue in sound his numbered from the lessons in the jihad and spreading messages his [aaljhaadyt] many from land the battle on the Internet and following her the youths truthful in different the regions and remained stalls militant until seal Allah for him live his in the testimony in way his calculate him likewise nor [nzky] on Allah someone, and lowness your in battle jail fathers strange.

Abu Ghraib and the testimony Before the battle starts Shami Abu mankind in Samraa was the brothers of the militants teaches and raises them and follows on them [aalqraan] and keeps them and after that ended from this important Sheikh of fathers sent to [mSe'b] [aalzrqaawy] (kept him Allah) to requests from him associated in that battle so said for him Sheikh Abu [mSe'b]: [yaa] father of mankind if remainder with us

for that we need you, so mankind said Abu: Allah [ly'n] way Allah from reason of liberation my sisters of the prisoners of welfare kill in for me from to live. So Kent this stimulated words for militants on plunging of the battle and before day from the battle of gathering Abu mankind his brothers of the militants and threw on them studied desires them in him Heaven, and was was of which said: (we tomorrow [yaa] brotherhood in ear Allah battle the opening of certitude on Allah

will be blesses and rise Allah will open on us and phylogenesis Allah rose to benevolent blessings sees and to hands and taking takes in our calls: O God hands our of brothers and our liberated in our sisters. O God followed [baal'aHbt] [mHmdaa] and his party, O God destroyed happy and kill us martyrs, O God not let down us in our tails O God granting our their abutments, O God day make tomorrow shown openings.

When output for battle left him his brothers of the militants and was other from say good-bye to him the iron commander age Abu speech (have mercy him Allah) and narrated to trip obtain [aalwdaae'] so said: Left me paradoxical Abu mankind and reason and saw in directed him the testimony and harelip maneuvered that he will not returns so kiss headed him and assign him and students from him to helps for me so said for me: [aalwdaae'] [yaa] father of the speech so said for him not decreases [aalwdaae'] and the meeting say so said [lqaau'naa] in Heaven indeed Allah wanted.

Output to the battle so Kent of the testimony in his wait and the marked contrast between white and black of the eye in [aastqbaalh]-[nHsbh] -. The speech leave to the princes restrict who [raafqwh] in the battle to quench one's thirst details of the battle be soft that: Moved this army in leadership of fathers of mankind and was says: [yaa] the strange death on doors fathers favored. The arrangement for battle was only what be possible and eases, and when mentioned that to mankind refused said on us to present what stubborn our and Allah be authorized on.

When walked and rode us the car was his brothers calls for [wysaal] Allah to opens on them shown openings and to grant victory them grant victory [mu'zraa] and phylogenesis Allah to secures us and writes this victory [b'asmaay'naa] and to seals the testimony in his be soft in way. Insisted many on request of the testimony and more from the crying.

Mankind was Abu [mujhdaaAA] back already on him after tired so he did not [ydhq] bait of the sleep since four days and hit him were for him strange sunrise witnessed for him thereby the brothers of the militants. Contrived place arrived to close from arena of the battle and was the all smiles and laughs as that he Mukbil on marriage.

Flying roadsign of encircling in the sky heard and what she except instants then roadsign of the rocket heard the airplane and rubbish rushs from on alpine who are in him and to were [njwnaa] and blame slept and shaking off Abu mankind about direct him the dirt so said [yaa] father of mankind if take out us the brothers from alpine and pulled them to Fallujah, so said: Yes, so did not escapes from alpine, yet the chivalry that gold to the brothers reached from [lyxrjhm] though alpine was [mDHnt] brittle once again so if in rocket second falls on sent down and if doors of mankind friend on the land pulls and the soul hand over to [baary'haa] leaving behind him debris of the life and decorated her.

As for the remaining brothers of disassemblies their of blessing from killing and from them from wounding so Fallujah and taking of the brothers withdrew to one of the other is patient their in this misfortune and says some them for some: Not notch indeed Allah with us .[wdhaae'] news martyrdom Sheikh of fathers of mankind {have mercy him Allah} and as to right dropping on conceded tough, then indeed them world of militant and friends lost and taught.

Her he Sheikh Abu [mSe'b] (kept him Allah) quench one's thirst bone be soft this Al-Khobar on him, and laments him in clear words and in beautiful verses in verses, so said:

{connected me his news of killing, and did not tell the truth [baady'] this beginning, and remainder between the hope and the fear, until the certitude came Al-Khobar.

Memories receive me in her shades whenever [traa'Y] foremost object from after the jihad and the militants in land of the successors, land AlRafidayn. Felt and as that bodies inhale [shqyn], and what Kent the eye can except breathing [bdme'aat] between when and other. Already long life friend was in [aal'atraaH] and the joys the solution fulfilled [waaltrHaal], as the shade not [yfaarqny], friend [Sdwq] [nSwH] [shfwq], have mercy you Allah [yaa] father of mankind so yes holder message of daughter-in-law, already inheritance empty not [ymlaa'h] one, [w'awrtht] the hearts [lwe't] not her flame lives except [blqyaak] there in the jinns [fwaallh] [ly'n] asked [lnSduqn] [wly'n] become a martyr [lnshhdn] that you horseman from horsemen of the Islam of truth and worlds laborer of militant of peace were on went you in immortal. Ocular generosities of alternative with you [aalrqraaq] Pour him on ascribe the companions

Any speeches evoked [shjwny] Spread the sadnesses in my depths

[yaa] brothers [yaa] brother of the friendliness and the love So take her from hearts palpitant Indeed loving Shami faithful vinegar

The favor and the tempers accompanied [aalrqaaq] Not be acquainted with me on the transient crying Found the sweet crying of the taste Indeed in him comfort and consolation of consolation

Put to sleep the patience bones of the antidote ['iyh] [yaa] [shaam] lost dear [wkusyt] the sadnesses as the collars

This she cut our hero and obstruct us {fathers of mankind Shami} have mercy him Allah story rose all her example and sermon, and light and light.

O God [hy'] men as my father of Shami mankind be soft, your banner promote and your debt become for the sake of that you [smye'] close.

Allah prayed on represent us Mohammed and on god and accompanied him and peace

The legitimate committee

Allah said messenger