Since Oct 27, 2003

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I worked for Larry McDonald's reelection campaign when he was the most conservative representative in the House, and I worked for Jesse Helms when he was the most conservative Senator. My favorite causes include 2nd Amendment issues, nationalism over internationalism, and pro-preservation but anti-Greenpeace initiatives. Greens and the Sierra Club are great threats to the environment. I am an across-the-board pro-lifer. I am a former resident of El Salvador, Washington, DC, and have traveled widely in Latin America, Western Europe, South Africa, Russia, and Ukraine... ...but Dixie is Home.

God has blessed me with great health, a loving wife, and six wonderful children ages: 30, 28, 27, 19, 17, and an 11-year-old. I left the Army Reserve with the rank of Major, Armor Branch, and later spent almost 15 years as a simulation contractor at Fort Benning. Now, I do humble work that does not utilize my MA Degree.

My mother was a strong pro-life activist as a former nurse. My father was a renowned neurosurgeon. I am a Global Methodist but not the best example of one. My hunting and fishing skills also leave much to be desired. Long-range pistol shooting is my strong suit. I roll my own (handload) 41 magnums as well as some other calibers.