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Defining a "Hero"

Perhaps, the most difficult task in writing a book titled Modern Day Heroes®, is defining the term “hero.” According to Webster's Dictionary, in mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods is considered a “hero.”

Another definition given to us via Webster’s Dictionary for hero is, "a person noted for feet of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who risked or sacrificed his or her life." The single word definition that was decided on by this administration to define a “hero” for this title is –


We have the unsung heroes, and heroes that have given their lives in service for others. We have heroes that have been in battle and returned home; we have those that sacrificed high paying jobs and prestige to serve others.

There are two types of people in this world, when a gun shot rings out in the night, there are the people that run away from that sound and there are the people that run to that sound. Perhaps, one of the reasons that firefighters are so well liked in our society, is that their entire job is to be a hero. When the building is on fire, it is the firefighter crew that runs into that building, risking life and limb, to help someone in need. A firefighter’s entire job is that of sacrifice

Heroes are the men and women who have sacrificed an aspect, and at times, their entire life, for the benefit of others. They are the people that exhibit strength and honor and we as a nation take great pride that they represent everything that is good and right in the world.