Since May 7, 2003

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My name is Mary Elizabeth Johnson and I live in Hollywood, Florida (Broward Cty.) where the 2000 Election controversy was going on.........When my county was casting votes instead of counting them.......I went down to the Court House and protested what they were doing........also writing letters to the RNC.....
The Dems never got over losing to President Bush and their power..........
Even a year afterwards, Miami Dade County STILL persisted in recounting again and again........reeeally thinking that Gore would be ahead.....but, no matter how many times they counted President Bush won........I've been involved in Politics since then and am currently a Team Leader and Volunteer for the Bush/Cheney 04' Campaign and help out at the Headquarters in Pompano banks, distributing Voter Registration to Faith Based Organizations and Churches..............There NEVER was anything wrong with those voting machines in Palm Beach, Fl...........It was just a dirty trick saying that the voters were disinfranchised..and they "meant to vote for Gore"!!! The simple matter was they didn't know what they were doing!!!!!
If they punched the wrong one......Too BAD!!!! The only way the Democrats know how to win is by cheating anyway!!! They'll let anyone vote.....have even taken ID's of the dead and had them vote!!!!!!
EVERY VOTE COUNTS was their motto, but, they wouldn't allow the Military Absentee votes as the date was wrong or some other bogus claim.......GWB would have won by many more votes if the Military Votes were counted.......
Well that's about what I try to do and have volunteered to work at the polls so no funny business goes on this year!!!!!