Since Mar 18, 2003

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Since Mar 18, 2003

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Someday, when I do not work 10-14 hrs per day, I'll create a more complete profile, and world view. ( Until I do, I make no apology for being a hard core Reagan conservative.)

I also do not make any apologies for being pro America. I am a pro American! It is the greatest country on earth, next to mine (I'm being patriotic, despite the fact the liberals screwed it up).

Since I've been following USA politics, in my humble opinion:

President Carter was the worst president the USA has ever had.

President Reagan was the BEST president the USA has ever had (Oh! the Reagan, Thatcher era. I miss them.).

President Bush Sr. was an ok president (The read my lips compromise cost him a second term in office, in my humble opinion. From a domestic perspective it is none of my business, but from an international perspective the world is where it is at, terror wise, because it elected an incompetent leader.) the USA has ever had.

President Clinton was the most immoral president the USA has ever had.

President Bush Jr. is still proving himself...(He is a man of his word.).

This USA section is still in the development stage....

I shall develop my opinion of Canadian politicians, when and as I have time (I've devoted more time to the above section, because of my love and respect for the USA, and it's world status power.).

This Canadian section is still in the development stage....

However, first and foremost of all, I'm PRO GOD (John 3:16).

PS. I am still waiting for a Prime Minister or President of a non-Islamic country in the world to denounce Islam as Reagan did Communism.

Liberalism is a deadly disease, and sometimes even healthy bodies contract it. I do not see billions of taxpayer’s money going into research to cure this disease.

Be careful  not to accept a liberal into the fold when they did not win the last hunt for nourishment.