Since Mar 3, 2009

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I’m a long-time lurker and admirer of this site nd its readers and cotributors (since probably Y2K) and thought it was about time to register thanks to our wonderful new president. His actions thus far have been far more leftist than I anticipated and I just know that, at some point, I’ll be reading somebody’s post and will just not be able to conain myself any longer. I’ll snap and have to get my two cents in the game. These are going to be some, er, let’s call them “interesting” years, that lay ahead of us all.

I grew up in Los Angeles and in spite of my extremely liberal surroundings was raised by two wonderful and conservative parents (who are still married and madly in love) who raised me country and I learned very early on that life was all about God, Family and Country and everything was “yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am, etc.” Respect and honor and discipline was and still is important.

I’m a newly married (September 13th of 2008) 32 year old white male living in Los Angeles. My wife comes from a long line of love as well, and even though she hails form New Hampshire and went to school in Boston, she too is also to the right of center. Bcause she’s just 29 years old and is a pretty little blonde who works in the film industry (behind the camera, thankfully), her beliefs get challenged every day by the morons who are so enamored wih our ignorant new Commander in Chief who, as my dear friend (he’s black) said, they think “it’s just so cosmopolitan to vote for a black man.”

I have run an internet publishing company that broke many barriers and implemented new technologies that are commonplace today, I have produced a film trailer and went to the Cannes Film Festival and was interviewed on the cover of the Hollywood Reporter, I am now involved in Commercial Real Estate and recently left the company I was with for 4 years where I became the youngest partner and one of the top producers. I am actively seeking employment in either commercial real estate (development or asset acquisition/disposition, preferably) or perhaps re-dedicating myself to some other web-based venture or, in general, an upper level management position of some sort. I am completely open-minded as far as companies to work for. I like new challenges and learn quickly and perform well in unfamiliar situations by thinking “outside the cube.” On the side, I freelance articles for several motorsports publications for the fun and experience. My wife and I are very active, outdoor-loving people who love nature and since I was a kid racing motorcycles in the desert I have been involved in local politics doing everything we could to keep people like Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and Alan Cranston (remember S21?) from closing down millions of acres of desert and wilderness to everybody’s personal enjoyment. Government control has been a huge pet peeve of mine and why our latest and greatest “Leader of the Free World” scares the, um, brown stuff out of me.

I’ve enjoyed for many years and look forward to many more years, and anticipate donating quite a bit to help keep the site going. Having been at the helm of several websites we owned in the late ‘90s when we were the first to charge for content, I can apreciate all of the effort and the struggles that come with producing such a product as this.

I wish everybody a wonderful life, happiness and health and, as country singer Toby Keith put it, “there ain’t no right way to do the wrong thing.” So let’s hope The Chosen One figures out which way is up sooner rather thn later and we get back to the wonderful county we once were. I want to see American flags waving, I want people to be proud of our military and our melting pot of LEGAL civilians. I want honesty and a return to traditional values so that we may all live in peace and harmony and strength.

