Since Oct 27, 2008

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I have been at FR since 1998 when Clinton was impeached. My original name was “Midas Mulligan” but I haven’t been able to get it to work lately. I’ve been gone during most of the W administration, but was here during 9/11 and the liberation of Iraq. I am married, 32 years old, I paint, and am a graphic designer and feel that the GOP is not the party that it was with Reagan. After this presidential defeat, I understand the GOP needs to come back to the ideals of RWR in order to fight this red enemy that has now risen to power here in this great country of ours.

America is great not because of the government, but despite it.
In its purest form, government should deliver the mail and defend its borders (I know it isn’t that simple)

I feel like the GOP has been hijacked by naive evangelicals and fiscal socialists. I am a Randian objectivist, and morality does not come from an imperfect text written by men. What is good and what is right is not up for argument, however. There is good and there is evil in this world and you and I probably agree on what those things are.

My favorite books are Atlas Shrugged, 1984, and Brave New World. I fear a totalitarian regime and consider myself a self-taught student of history, And I am always learning.