Since Nov 16, 2010

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Currently a Marine K-9 handler, Oath Keeper, and big believer in small government, the second amendment and being prepared for possibly rough times ahead, and being as self-reliant as you can be. My philosophy on self-reliance includes maintaining good physical health and exercising so hopefully if things go south in this country then you’ll be healthy enough to take care of yourself and your family. Having a well-rounded stock of supplies for survival to include guns, ammunition, appropriate combat gear, an emergency supply of food and water, outdoor gear for all types of weather your area encounters, and education and training on how to survive various disaster situations. I could go on, but you get the picture. And equally important is not living in fear and paranoia of the future. I believe of all people, contrary to popular stereotypes, the one who prepares now for disaster while the majority don’t bother, is the one who should live his or her daily life with the least paranoia. Those who fail to see that even though things are still going relatively well in America, and we’re still prosperous as a nation even in the midst of economic troubles, and still relatively free, that we could one day face unexpected events or disasters that bring our way of life crumbling down, are the ones who of all people, should have reason to be afraid of whatever may lie ahead. Do not put your trust in temporary material things, but rather put your faith in Christ. Your material possessions can be burned down, stolen or confiscated, and you have to leave them behind when you make that inevitable transition from this life to the next, but Christ will never leave or forsake His children.