Since Jun 27, 2009

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I am 10+ year lurker of I am mostly conservative with a little libertarian mixed in. I hate big government and would like to be left to freely live my life without being under the yolk of an oppressive government. I advocate eliminating all of the alphabet soup agencies in the government and limit the fedgov power to what the original founders intended. I am for term limits and eliminating pay, perks, and benefits our politicians have voted themselves in the past. It should be a public service to serve in congress, not a path to elitism and lavish benefits for life. I adhere to the founder’s principles and loathe power hungry politicians, no matter what their party affiliation. I have never been and will never be a member of the Republican or Democratic party, or any other political party for that matter. I am not a big online chatter, but I do find this site more informative than not.
I never signed up before because I did not like the way some conservatives have been ostracized because they were not towing the Republican party line. Since 2006, I have noticed a sea change in the site. Conservatives are no longer treated this way here since so many people have discovered that both parties are complicit in destroying freedom and the American spirit.