Lola Granola
Since May 27, 2003

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I'm 26 years old and very new to politics, so I've been trying to check out both the liberal and conservative sides. At first I thought I was more liberal-minded because I was against the war, but I find I don't agree with the liberal side on many issues. In fact, I've gotten pretty disgusted with them after about six months of constant exposure to their whining about gays, abortion, and the poor (which they know nothing about, since most of them have never been poor), but most of all their rabid and irrational hatred of anything Christian, over at The Smirking Chimp. So I've come over here to learn about the famous (and very hated and feared) Freepers. I'll never be a Bush fan, but a lot of the morals and values expressed on this site are a lot closer to my own, from what I've seen so far. Although I've noticed that, in spite of the Freeper reputation on liberal websites, there seems to be a much wider range of thought and expression allowed here than on the Chimp. I was pleased to see some genuine Creationism/Evolution debates in your archives, for instance. On Smirking Chimp, there is no debate. If you believe in Creationism, you're insane or stupid or both, and they rip you apart. Same with believing that homosexuality or abortion is wrong. I'm sure you folks already know what I'm talking about, but it's been a real learning experience for me, since they are the ones always screaming about tolerance and acceptance of the views of others.

So, basically, I'm here for some conversation and to learn from those wiser than myself. I hope that I'll eventually find my place in the scheme of things so that I can decide where to stand politically, or if I should even get involved in politics at all. But I'm in no big hurry. I'll probably just lurk for a while longer or keep my comments restricted to trivial matters. Unlike most liberals, I try not to talk unless I actually have something to say. I hope to have a positive experience here.