Since Oct 30, 2000

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President Bush is victory

Because I love it so much and want everyone to know why, here is (I hope) a video that will tell you what one of my favorite organizations, the Auburn University Marching Band, is all about.

Okay...everyone gets them in their email, so I'm finally putting one to good use...(drum roll)...da, da, da, da! The Ridiculously Looong Survey!

1. What's your full name? Elizabeth Lauree Alice Lott.
2. Nickname? Beth, Theb, What's-Her-Face...
3. Any siblings? Josh and Gail
4. How old are you? See next question and work it out.
5. When is your birthday? June 1, 1984
6. What's your starsign? Gemini
7. Skin colour? Pale, but occasionally tanned
8. Hair colour? Brown with blond highlights
9. Eye colour? Green
10. Do you wear contacts? Yup, and glasses too...but not at the same time. : )
11. What are the last four digits of your phone number? In which hemisphere?
12. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple
13. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Um...dunno. I imagine he'll want a say in the decision. : )
14. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Um...
15. Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
16. Favorite alcoholic drink? Grateful Dead
17. How do you eat an Oreo? I eat the cookies first and then I eat the cream.
18. Favorite sport to play? Basketball
19. Favorite sport to watch? College basketball
20. Any special talents? I speak Indonesian!
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Author.
22. Biggest dream? To somehow manage to not be homesick at all ever.
23. Preferred music style? Don't have one.
24. What do you do in your spare time? Read, play Starcraft, FReep : )
25. What would you rather do in your spare time? SCUBA dive
26. What's your best trait? Dunno
27. And your worst one? Dunno
28. Any strange habits? Maybe
29. Would you say you're shy? Ooh. I am okay with people one-on-one, but crowds sometimes make me nervous.
30. Do you follow all the rules, or are you a rule breaker? Depends on the rule and who else is involved and how much and whether or not I'm gonna get busted.
31. What was your first word? Dunno.
32. How do you act when you're around someone you have a crush on? I kind of ignore them a little, actually.
33. Describe yourself using one word: Odd
34. Make up a story about yourself: Once there was this girl named Beth, and her parents were teachers. They decided to go to teach overseas and so she and her family moved to SouthEast Asia where her parents still teach. She graduated high school and now goes to college where she marches in the band and is majoring in English.
35. If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would it be? A celtic something or other on my right shoulderblade or the small of my back.
36. Living arrangements? With my grandparents in my aunt's old room.
37. What books are you reading? Anything I can get my hands on.
38. What's on your mouse pad? I don't have a mouse pad.
39. How many rings before you answer the phone? However many it takes me to get there.
40. Future child's name? Dunno. No Matts and no Chrises, but possibly a Penelope.
41. Glass is half empty or half full? There's water in the glass.
42. What's under your bed? The Monster Book of Monsters. : )
43. Is anything scarier than death? Crowds make me nervous.

What's your favourite...
44. Colour? Purple
45. Food? Um...
46. Room in the house? Mine
47. Month? June
48. Magazine? Dunno
49. Smell? Frangipani
50. Sound? Thunderstorm
51. Movie? Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. "How far are you willing to go for her?" "I die for her!" "Good...No worries, then."
52. Number? 4
53. TV Show? Stargate SG-1

54. Do you like scary or happy movies better? Depends on my mood
55. Summer or winter? Spring. Hate the cold and love the flowers!
56. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
57. Relationship or one night stands? Relationship
58. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
59. Gold or Silver? Silver

Quick, what would you do if...?
60. I punched you? Be really surprised
61. You were on a desert island? Build a house and a boat, get an internet connection, a radio, and live there quite happily.

Do you...
62. Believe in God? Yes
63. Smoke? No
64. Sleep with socks on? No
65. Keep a journal? Live Journal. Someone bugged me about it so I finally did.
66. Play any musical instruments? Saxophone, flute, clarinet, recorder
67. Like to dance? I love square dancing. And I can swing dance, too!
68. Talk on the phone a lot? Not really
69. Have a best friend? Yes
70. Kiss on your first date? Nope
71. Eat with your mouth open? No!

Are you...
72. Left or right handed? Right
73. A morning person? No
74. Organised? Not really
75. Superstitious? No
76. Happy? For the most part
77. Too shy to ask someone out? Nope. It does make me nervous, though.

Have you ever...
78. Been kissed? No
79. Done drugs? No
80. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? No, but I've come close a few times
81. Been in a car accident? We are so not going to go here!

There you go! More than you could ever possibly want to know about me.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?